Page 27 – Uncle Walt's Insider
Before and after the suit change. We're a bit worried that the lighter color will show, um, "leaks" more easily. Photo by Kjersti Holmang [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikipedia.

New suit spotted on Animatronic Joe Biden at the Hall of Presidents

Did he have a meeting with the Animatronic Pope? MAGIC KINGDOM, FL -- The tens of guests flocking to the Hall of Presidents to actually see the presidents, and not escape the heat like the thousands typically do, will notice a change this week! No, Animatronic President Trump has not re-positioned himself to the front again. The change is that Animatronic Joe Biden is sporting a brand new suit! Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation, not Animatronic) filled us in on ... Read more
另一家大公司向中國政府傾斜!Photo by Daderot [CC0] via Wikimedia.

Disney+ raises price to $49.99/month to celebrate Disney+ Day

You might want to check your credit card for unexpected charges if you do one of those "blue carpet" events. BURBANK, CA -- Disney+ Day has arrived! To celebrate the streaming service's second anniversary, Disney is rolling out the "blue carpet" for its guests, with special experiences in the parks, deals on, and, oh yeah, increasing the price for a monthly Disney+ subscription to $49.99. Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation) talked with Uncle Walt's Insider about the new ... Read more
UWI step-planDisney

Step-planDisney: Will Walt Disney World ever pass on savings from all of the cutbacks to their guests?

The Uncle Walt's Insider step-planDisney (Step)Moms answer your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] "Dear step-planDisney (Step)Moms: I'm planning a trip to Walt Disney World, and I'm amazed at the number of free services for resort guests that Disney has discontinued or started charging for, like resort parking, MagicBands, Fastpasses, luggage pickup and delivery, airline check-in ... Read more
Okay, you'd think Disney would at least try to get different-looking actors for the other two roles. Photo mostly © 1989 Twentieth Century Fox.

“Weekend at Walt’s” coming soon to Disney+

We're guessing there's also a subplot about Mafia hitmen. BURBANK, CA -- In another brilliant move under the guidance of Bob "Bob" Chapek, Disney has announced an all-new, original feature film coming to Disney+: Weekend at Walt's! Chapek told Uncle Walt's Insider, "Disney fans want to see original movies and series -- they practically beg us! We of course listened, and in the past few years we've created and released many, many original movies, like the realistic version of the Lion King. ... Read more
We'd watch one of these. Photos © Disney & by Hedgehog83 [CC BY 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons.

Animal Kingdom replaces kite show with more popular “Guy Doing Animal Hand Shadows”

It is a step up. WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- The Walt Disney World Resort, Spa, and Money Printing Press is celebrating its 50th year of existence, along with its first year of really gouging guests for every shiny dime they have. Guests brave enough to pay all of Disney's new extra fees to actually get in the parks have expected dazzling new entertainment to go with the upcharges. Instead, the popular "Happily Ever After" projection and fireworks show at Magic Kingdom, which ... Read more