You might want to check your credit card for unexpected charges if you do one of those “blue carpet” events.
BURBANK, CA — Disney+ Day has arrived! To celebrate the streaming service’s second anniversary, Disney is rolling out the “blue carpet” for its guests, with special experiences in the parks, deals on, and, oh yeah, increasing the price for a monthly Disney+ subscription to $49.99.
Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation) talked with Uncle Walt’s Insider about the new cost.
What Jun told us (hey, writing subheadlines isn’t easy)
“Yes, it is a slight increase from our current, pre-Disney Day pricing. [Ed.: a “slight” 625% increase.]
“But hey, how can anyone expect our executives, especially Dear Leader Bob “Bob” Chapek, to live off of just a few million a year? He’ll never get a yacht bigger than Bob “Bob” Iger’s without a huge bonus. And the only way to get that kind of bonus money is to fleece the Disney fans!
“And to be fair, at this point we could slap a Mickey sticker on a turd and people would line up to buy it!”
Jun was a bit direct today! Am I right or am I right? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: Sorry to reuse a cover photo, but our graphics guy is currently standing in line to by a Mickey-stickered turd. It’s a limited edition! Photo by Daderot [CC0] via Wikimedia.