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The old Splash Mountain sign. Photo by Michael Gray [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

Splash Mountain renamed; more changes coming (Rapunzel ride???)

Karen's not just one of the original Mousekeeters! WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- Shortly after announcing that Splash Mountain would be re-themed, Disney let Uncle Walt's Insider know of several other changes coming to the Magic Kingdom. We've summarized the key changes below. The Mountain formerly known as Splash As already announced, Splash Mountain will be themed to The Princess and the Frog. Not previously announced, until we announced it right now, the ride will also be re-named -- but not to "Flash Mountain." ... Read more
The return of Flash Mountain. Photo by Matthew Freeman [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

New Orleans theming = the return of “Flash Mountain”

If the new attraction looks like Mardi Gras, "flashing" will actually add to the realism. GLENDALE, CA -- The Internet nearly shut down recently after news that Disney would be re-theming Splash Mountain to The Princess and the Frog, the story of Tiana, princess of Genovia Arendelle New Orleans. [Ed.: It's been a while since we watched it.] Now that the dust has settled and keyboard warriors everywhere have been distracted by other news, details are coming out about what we can expect from ... Read more
If you're looking at this article on your phone, you know what the concerts will be like this year! Photo courtesy DisneyTouristBlog, used by permission.

Epcot “Eat to the Beat” concerts canceled? No, just virtual

Disney's getting a lot of details wrong in their announcements lately. WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- Several news sources said last week that Disney would not be holding its "Eat to the Beat" concert series at Epcot this year due to health restrictions. But Uncle Walt's Insider can tell you now that the concerts will go on -- virtually! "As always, our main concern at Disney (the company) is revenue," Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation) shares. "Did I say revenue? ... Read more
Nailed it! Awesome graphic by Marty, © 2020 Uncle Walt's Insider, used without permission.

Uncle Walt’s Insider 2020 WDW Crowd Calendar the only one to predict shutdown

Just goes to show you can rely on Uncle Walt's Insider! UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- We are not usually the types to blow our own horn. First of all, we're string players, mostly. And also, we are really humble. Like, really humble. You would not believe how mind-bogglingly humble we are. It's one of our better characteristics, right up there with our looks, charm, and Zamboni-driving skills*. But when we're this right, we figured none of our competing Disney and theme ... Read more
A barricade at the entrance to the Main Street U.S.A. Autonomous Zone, which they're claiming isn't in the U.S.A.? Photo courtesy disneyparks.com, mynorthwest.com, & kennythepirate.com.

Protester sets up Main Street U.S.A. Autonomous Zone at Magic Kingdom

This might be revenge for Mickey taking the CEO job away from him. MAGIC KINGDOM, FL -- As Disney readies the parks for upcoming reopening protests, arriving Cast Members found barricades on Main Street U.S.A. Yes, the Walt Disney World Resort & Spa's Magic Kingdom now has its own autonomous zone. Led by an individual calling himself goofy_fan_32, Disney-fan anarchists have set up their own Main Street U.S.A. Autonomous Zone (MSUSAAZ -- not to be confused with MNSSHP or MSNBC). The barricades prevent Disney Security ... Read more