Uncle Walt's Insider 2020 WDW Crowd Calendar the only one to predict shutdown - Uncle Walt's Insider

Uncle Walt’s Insider 2020 WDW Crowd Calendar the only one to predict shutdown

Nailed it! Awesome graphic by Marty, © 2020 Uncle Walt's Insider, used without permission.

Just goes to show you can rely on Uncle Walt’s Insider!

UNCLE WALT’S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD — We are not usually the types to blow our own horn. First of all, we’re string players, mostly. And also, we are really humble. Like, really humble. You would not believe how mind-bogglingly humble we are. It’s one of our better characteristics, right up there with our looks, charm, and Zamboni-driving skills*.

But when we’re this right, we figured none of our competing Disney and theme park news sites was going to point it out. So here it is: our 2020 Walt Disney World crowd prediction calendar absolutely killed it this year.

No one else said the crowds would be non-existent between March and July

As you can see from our calendar, we predicted all the usual moderate crowds after New Year’s, higher summer and holiday crowds, all the usual stuff. Just like WDWNTT and our other competitors. But we were the only ones who predicted that the parks would have absolutely zero guests (other than our Uncle Walt) from March 15 through July 10. Check it out for yourself:

Uncle Walt's Insider 2020 WDW Crowd Calendar.

Uncle Walt’s Insider 2020 WDW Crowd Calendar. Click to enlarge.

Just another example of how you should always rely on Uncle Walt’s Insider’s super-reliable theme park news!

*X only.

Does this make you believe our Disneyland Escanaba prediction any more? Let us know in the comments below!

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Cover photo: Nailed it! Awesome graphic by Marty, © 2020 Uncle Walt’s Insider, used without permission.