True Tales of Stupid Guests: Episode 15 - Uncle Walt's Insider

True Tales of Stupid Guests: Episode 15

True Tales: from the files of Stupid Guest Tricks.

“True Tales: from the files of Stupid Guest Tricks” is an ongoing series, where we share believable stories of park guests’ unbelievable stupidity.

FROM STUPID GUEST TRICKS — was a website founded to provide Disney Cast Members and other theme park employees a place to vent about some of the idiots they’ve dealt with. Most Cast Members will tell you that 99% of the guests they deal with are wonderful, but there’s always that 1% that lead to aggravation — and some pretty funny stories.

Now that Uncle Walt’s Insider has completed its hostile takeover of Stupid Guest Tricks, we can bring you some of our favorite stories that have been collected there over the years.

Previous installments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13 & 14.

Part 15:

Who are we to judge the value of his backpack?

A Stupid Guest Trick at Universal Studios Orlando:

A Stupid Guest (SG) and his family go to ride the Revenge of the Mummy. On that ride all bags must be stowed in the free lockers. The SG looks around and decides that all the lockers are full — which they are not. He then decides that a good place to hide his backpack is in the trash can!

When the SG returns after riding, he discovers that the trash has been emptied. He then goes to Guest Services to complain about the trash being emptied, and claims the backpack contained his park tickets, credit cards, car keys, clothes, merchandise, and cash.

It takes a remarkably stupid guest to get mad at park employees for emptying the trash!

– Anna

Mickey is really hard to locate

I’m working Extra Magic Hours at Magic Kingdom as a character attendant. It is the last set of the night and I have just closed the line for Mickey. As Mickey is walking away, a family comes running up.

Stupid Guest: “Oh, wait, don’t go! We have been here for two weeks, we leave tomorrow, and we haven’t seen Mickey ANYWHERE!”
“Wow! Two whole weeks and you didn’t see Mickey anywhere?”
“No. And we looked everywhere, too.”
“Poor Mickey must not have been much of a priority this trip. And he works so hard at being available to all. Sorry, guys.”

Seriously, there is no way you could be here for two weeks and not find Mickey.

– GreetThis!

We may shut down this series. It’ll be hard to get any stupider than this.

In World Showcase at Epcot, I overheard this while waiting for Canada movie:

Mom: (to teenage daughter) “Look hon, in Canada they carve their houses out of giant rocks. See? They live in those rock caves.”
Daughter: “Yeah?… Um… Cool… Is Canada in America?”
Mom: “No. The United States is America. Mexico is South America. And Canada is North America. Don’t you ever pay attention in school?”

I am not kidding. My head almost exploded.

– ButImAGoodAP

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