True Tales of Stupid Guests: Episode 4 - Uncle Walt's Insider

True Tales of Stupid Guests: Episode 4

True Tales: from the files of Stupid Guest Tricks.

“True Tales: from the files of Stupid Guest Tricks” is an ongoing series, where we share believable stories of park guests’ unbelievable stupidity.

FROM STUPID GUEST TRICKS — is a website founded to provide Disney Cast Members and other theme park employees a place to vent about some of the idiots they’ve dealt with. Most Cast Members will tell you that 99% of the guests they deal with are wonderful, but there’s always that 1% that lead to aggravation — and some pretty funny stories.

Now that Uncle Walt’s Insider has completed its hostile takeover of Stupid Guest Tricks, we can bring you some of our favorite stories that have been collected there over the years. Previous installments: Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

In Part 4, another story from a College Program recruiter, then true confusion from the Disney Travel Company:

What you wish you could say, and then actually said

I’m a campus rep to help recruit for Disney’s College Program. Of all the weird encounters I had, here was my absolute favorite…

Student: “Alright, so you work for Disney, and you worked in the Magic Kingdom, right?”

Me: “Yes, I was in all of the parks, but Magic Kingdom was one of my most frequent.”

Student: “Can you answer this for me? I promise I won’t tell anyone else… Is Walt really frozen under the park in the hidden tunnels I’ve heard about?”

I sat dumbfounded for a minute to try and figure out if he really had just asked what I thought he did. I couldn’t help myself… I had to answer:

“No… He’s in Disneyland, not Magic Kingdom.”

To which he replied “I KNEW IT!” and walked off.


Farther than you realize

I once worked at a Disney Travel desk in New York. A woman came in to book a trip — except she said she wanted to go to “Disneyland in Orlando.”

I told her that Disneyland was in California and Walt Disney World was in Orlando. She looked at me and said yes, she wants to go to Disneyland in Orlando.

I again said no, Disneyland was in California, and Walt Disney World was in Orlando. I asked her, “Do you want to go to Walt Disney World in Orlando?” She said no, she wanted to go to Disneyland. I told her again, that if she wanted to go to Disneyland that she would be flying to Los Angeles, and not Orlando.

After going in circles like this for a while, I booked her to Disneyland like she requested, but she put it on hold to think it over. I handed her the printout with all the details and told her to come back by Noon the next day to pay.

She said “thank you” and started walking to the elevator. And then she turned to me and asked me how far Miami was from Disneyland.

I looked at her right in her face and said, “3,000 miles. Just get on Interstate 10 in Los Angeles and drive for about four days until you get to Jacksonville. Then turn south on route 75 and stay on it for 8 more hours.”

– Rich

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