Page 23 – Uncle Walt's Insider
UWI step-planDisney

Step-planDisney: Will ‘The Beatles: Get Back’ be released on DVD?

The Uncle Walt's Insider step-planDisney (Step)Moms answer your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] "Dear step-planDisney (Step)Moms: Will The Beatles: Get Back movie be released to DVD?" - Rory, Massachusetts Marty: Dear Tony, thank you for writing. This is an easy question, one that calls for just a simple yes or no answer. Unfortunately, though, you wrote it ... Read more
Not pictured: dozens of homeless people camped on the sidewalks. Photo courtesy Orange County Archives.

The best time to visit Disneyland

Trust the experts with your vacation planning! Or us. UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- So you're planning a trip to Walt Disney's original Magic Kingdom, and you want to know the best time to go? Well, fear not! The experts at Uncle Walt's Insiders have calculated the best travel date for the most enjoyable vacation: 1974. That's right, 1974. That, we figure, is the best time to visit Disneyland. Really, any time in the park's first 25 years Why 1974? Well, Reagan was governor, ... Read more
We can't wait to visit Apple, Oklahoma! Photo [CC-BY-2.0] via

Apple to acquire Disney

We assume the deal includes the parks. City parks, that is. CUPERTINO, CA -- In a recently leaked memo from CEO Tim "Bob" Cook, it appears that Apple, the first company to hit $3 Trillion in valuation, is poised to spend some of their stockpiled cash on acquiring Disney! Fans of Mickey Mouse dismayed by our misleading headline need not worry, however. In the leaked memo, Cook allegedly says, "Disney, Oklahoma, has a low population, and our research has shown that it would ... Read more
Kisserella Castle at Hershey Kingdom Park in Orlando. Photo [CC0] via Pixabay.

Hershey buys Magic Kingdom

Chapek: "Hey, it makes money for the shareholders." HERSHEY, PA -- In a joint press conference, Disney CEO Bob "Bob" Chapek and Hershey President & CEO Michele Buck announced yesterday that Disney will be selling the Magic Kingdom theme park to Hershey. "It's a win-win, as far as I see," Chapek said. "Hershey gets the number one theme park destination in the world. And Disney gets money. Lots and lots of money!" Just the beginning Chapek hinted that more sell-offs were in the works. "Oh, not ... Read more

33 (give or take twenty) little-known facts about Club 33!

Our little-known facts series continues, in spite of underwhelming demand! We recently had an Actual ReaderTM [Ed.: We keep forgetting we have those] write to our Step-planDisney (Step)Mom's Panel, asking about how to get in to dine at Club 33. We, of course, were able to help her immensely (mainly by lowering her expectations). In the process, we revealed that each and every one of us on the Uncle Walt's Insider staff has dined at Club 33, which, as you can imagine, ... Read more