Trust the experts with your vacation planning! Or us.
UNCLE WALT’S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD — So you’re planning a trip to Walt Disney’s original Magic Kingdom, and you want to know the best time to go? Well, fear not! The experts at Uncle Walt’s Insiders have calculated the best travel date for the most enjoyable vacation:
That’s right, 1974. That, we figure, is the best time to visit Disneyland.
Really, any time in the park’s first 25 years
Why 1974? Well, Reagan was governor, and California was actually a pleasant place to be for more reasons than the scenery and the weather. People still dressed up to go to Disneyland, there wasn’t a cell phone screen or face mask in sight, and the churros just tasted fresher.
In ’74, although Space Mountain was a few years away, you could still ride the Skyway gondola right through the Matterhorn (just like the real one in Switzerland!). Great fun. And of course, California Adventure was still a parking lot, which many believe was a better use of the land.
If you don’t yet have access to a time machine… eh, save your money. If you’re already in California it might be worth a visit, but if we were stuck there, we’d just be saving up to move away. Stay home and watch Disneyland videos on YouTube or something.
Are you stuck in California? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: Not pictured: dozens of homeless people camped on the sidewalks. Photo courtesy Orange County Archives.