You get a list of our top articles, and we get to knock out an easy filler article. Win-win!
UNCLE WALT’S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD — It is that time of the year, where we wonder why we took all of the time to put up all of these lights and decorations only to take them down a month later. It is also the time when all of the various media outlets do those annoying countdowns from things that happened throughout the year. Well, we’re no different!
So we will count down our top 10 articles, as chosen by you, our dear readers. (No, we didn’t actually have a contest. That would be too hard. We just looked at our server stats and picked the 10 most popular, in terms of page impressions.) (And no, we’re not going to give you the actual numbers. Why? That’s proprietary. But, if you want to advertise with us, contact us, and our marketing team will give you some super-reliable numbers. [Ed.: Just like everything else on our site. Super reliable!]) Here they are:
10 – Secrets of the Savannah: Former Safari Driver tells all
9 – FACT CHECK: Did get our article right?
8 – Hey Walt, what rides will be at the new Disney parks in our Pure Michigan?
7 – Behind the Magic: An exclusive interview with a Disney Spokesperson
6 – Cast member grants Legacy Award to self using blue magic marker
5 – Mystery land purchase points to new Texas-themed Disney park
4 – Michigan woman finds “Hidden Mickey” in corn flakes
3 – Disneyland power outage intentional; exposes Toontown/Fantasyland rift
2 – “Magical Funerals®” coming to Walt Disney World
And lastly, our most widely read article of 2018. This one was so popular that it crashed our web servers, crashed Disney’s web servers, got us featured on the radio, and even on Snopes! Without further ado, we proudly present our #1 article of 2018:
1 – Disney to build park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Did your favorite Uncle Walt’s article make the Top Ten? Let us know in the comments below!
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