Page 49 – Uncle Walt's Insider
UWI is closed for the holiday

Uncle Walt’s Insider is closed for Boxing Day

Yes, Boxing Day. Walt made us work on Christmas ("We work while others play!"), and then gave us Boxing Day "off." But he's making us help him move into his new condo instead. (Because it involves boxes, maybe? Not sure that's what this day is about.) Uncle Walt's will return soon with the latest and greatest in super-reliable theme park news. Need more Uncle Walt's in your life? Be sure to LIKE us on Facebook, FOLLOW us on Twitter, and tell everyone you ... Read more

The final straw? CA governor facing recall after banning Churros

Nothing says "overbearing dictator" like denying citizens their Churros. ANAHEIM, CA -- While Disney continues to box up Disneyland for the move to Texas, even bigger news has dominated the headlines. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) is facing a recall from angry voters.  Newsom's previous orders, while strict, were at least limited in scope, with only trying to run a small business, restaurant, or theme park banned. The new order is far more comprehensive -- and one detail in particular has the remaining ... Read more
Construction is underway to add a drop and a loop to it's a small world. Photo by ARICAD [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia &

Disneyland’s “it’s a small world” ride to add a loop

They say that fear can cement memories more clearly. Does that mean the song will stick in our heads more? ANAHEIM, CA -- While every Disney fans wait to see when Disneyland will reopen (and whether it will reopen in California or Texas), there is some good news. The Disney Company, flush with cash because they are still selling churros on the black market, is investing in some ride upgrades. And one attraction in particular is getting a major thrill upgrade. it's a ... Read more
UWI (Step)Moms Panel

(Step)Moms Panel: I live in Splash Mountain. How do I get some peace and quiet?

The Uncle Walt's Insider (Step) Moms Panel answers your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] "Dear (Step)Moms: I live in Splash Mountain and I'm tired of hearing these boats with kids go throughout my home. How can I stop Splashing (sic) Mountain so I can finally get some peace and quiet." - "Sharon from Splash Mountain" ... Read more
Joe can relax, but the earring will still be hard at work. Photo by [CC BY-SA 3.0].

Joe Rohde retires; Joe Rohde’s Earring to continue working

We suspect it was the source of all of the good ideas anyway. GLENDALE CA -- Good news from Disney Imagineering headquarters! Although legendary Imagineer Joe Rohde will be retiring effective January 4 of next year, his famed earring will continue working for the foreseeable future. The earring, which unsuccessfully ran for president earlier this year (and which may be an alien), made the announcement on its official Twitter account. No announcement has been made as to how the earring intends to get to ... Read more