Page 102 – Uncle Walt's Insider
Could it be any worse than Disneyland Pyongyang? Photo by Josh Hallett [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

BREAKING: Disneyland Tehran plans “on hold”

Things are a "wee bit volatile" at the moment. BURBANK, CA -- Sources tell Uncle Walt's Insider that plans for the first Disney theme park in the Middle East, to be located in Iran's capital city, are "on hold" for the moment. "The situation over there is just a wee bit volatile right now," Bob Iger our source tells us. "Tehran's government is out of control, there's unrest and violence everywhere you turn. It's a mess. No place to build a family theme ... Read more
Christmas in July. And February. And March. And April. .... Photo used by permission, via DepositPhotos.

WDW holiday decor to remain up: “Too much trouble” to remove

No word yet if "Festival of the Holidays" will become a year-round event. WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- Although the holiday season is behind us, guests at Walt Disney World will continue to enjoy the holiday decorations throughout the year. That's because they're all staying up. "I was watching a video on YouTube about Christmas decorations being put up at Disney World," says WDW President Josh D'Amaro. "It's amazing how much work goes into transforming the resort! And then I thought, it probably ... Read more
UWI (Step) Moms Panel plus Baby Yoda

(Step)Moms Panel: Buying a Marvel jacket; guest stepmom Baby Yoda!

The Uncle Walt's Insider (Step) Moms Panel answers your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] "Dear (Step) Moms: Where should I look for a Marvel jacket at Magic Kingdom? TIA! - Felix B., Vienna, Austria The panel welcomes special guest (Step)Mom Baby Yoda! Baby Yoda: Marty: Well said! Nice to have someone knowledgeable around here for a change. Tia, all the ... Read more
Ed.: Is this the guy the article is about? Marty: Nah, it's just some picture I found on the internet. Photo by Ken Lund [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

Knowledgeable guest silently critiques other Disney know-it-alls

We've all been there. DISNEYLAND, CA -- A recent Disneyland guest, who calls himself Manny Rawls*, spend much of his visit fuming over the misinformation he heard spoken by other guests. Rawls shared his frustration with Uncle Walt's Insider: "It's unreal how confident some people can be while spewing absolute nonsense," Rawls shared. "And I always end up stuck in a long queue next to these half-wits, struggling not to correct them in front of everybody." We asked for some examples "Oh, where to start... ... Read more
Disney, er, we mean, Uncle Walt’s Insider Food Blog. Totally original logo not at all influenced by (which we love, btw!).

Uncle Walt’s Insider Food Blog: Frozen Butterbeer

The secrets behind one of Universal's best drinks! UNCLE WALT'S H.Q., SVALBARD -- Time for another episode of everyone's favorite food blog! This week, we'll be moving away from Disney park staples and venturing across town to check out the competition. No, not the Holy Land Experience. And no, the Lake Eola Swans are not actually an attraction. A Rambling Story that Doesn't Really Go Anywhere I remember the first time I read the Harry Potter™ novels by J.K. Rowling. I was captivated by ... Read more