Page 130 – Uncle Walt's Insider
Promotional artwork for Quentin Tarantino's Song of the South.

NEWS FLASH: Tarantino will direct ‘Song of the South’ remake

We can't wait for the close-ups of Uncle Remus's feet. BR'ER BANK, CA -- As Uncle Walt's Insider reported last year, Song of the South is being remade, the latest of Disney's live-action reboots. The beloved film, set in the southern U.S. during a time when all races lived together in peace and harmony, is one of only a handful of films that has not been remade by the studio. And now the reboot, scheduled for a November 2020 release, has a director ... Read more
Not a Disney park. Photo courtesy Pixabay.

Universal Orlando announces something new, and we have the details!

We knew it would be big, but we didn't know it would be THIS big! ORLANDO, FL -- According to numerous tweets, Universal Orlando Resort, Nail Salon, Spa and Spaceport will be making a big announcement later today. Although none of the tweets specified exactly what was happening, they say that "something EPIC is coming."  Speculation on the Internet is rampant. Many people are thinking that it's going to be an announcement of a fourth theme park. [Ed.: You've been reading their marketing ... Read more
The first meeting of the Disneyland Fight Club. Photo from YouTube. Everywhere on YouTube.

Next meeting of Disneyland Fight Club scheduled

It'll be you-know-when. Check your emails. NOTICE: After the rousing success of our first event -- not counting when Stitch took on Santa, of course -- the second meeting of the Disneyland Fight Club has been scheduled. Please check the usual notification places for the exact details. And as always, remember the First Rule of Disneyland Fight Club: Bring enough churros for everyone. Oh, and also don't talk about this. [Walt, please make sure this article only goes out to the DFC membership ... Read more
A family walks down Main Street with two non-rented children. Photo by DepositPhotos.

Disney announces “child required” policy

"Just in time for the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival!" WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- After recent guest feedback, Disney has made the announcement that anyone visiting the Disney theme parks, resorts, spas, and hair care & tire centers, must also have a child along with them. This new "child required" policy will start on August 29th, just in time for the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival. Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation) gave us details on the new ... Read more
Still from a trailer for the next Lion King remake. Photo © Disney -- no, wait... Universal? That can't be right -- via YouTube.

Second Lion King remake coming to theaters!

It's odd that they'd put out a second remake so close to the first. UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- Disney is remaking 1994's beloved animated classic The Lion King! I know what you're thinking -- didn't they just do that? Yes, yes, they did, and it's in theaters now. In fact, your humble reporter was actually attending a showing of the new fully live-action Lion King when a preview for the next remake came on! At first I was amazed that Disney would be ... Read more