Twitter Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider

BREAKING: Bob Chapek in as new Twitter CEO

Well, he was available. SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- As promised, "Chief Twit" Elon Musk has honored the results of a poll of Twitter users and is stepping down as CEO of the social media company. And in confirming his departure, Musk also announced that recently-deposed Disney executive Bob "Bob" Chapek will be taking his place. "I was looking for someone who would continue to annoy both employees and customers," Musk explained, "and Chapek certainly has a strong history of doing just that." As his ... Read more
Meet the newest Disney Imagineer. Photo © 2021 Google / Street View.

Elon Musk to purchase Uncle Walt’s Insider

He wanted to buy the Babylon Bee, but that's actually worth something. UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- Fresh off his purchase (and purge) of Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk announced today his plans to purchase Uncle Walt's Insider. The move comes after his first attempt to buy a news satire site, The Babylon Bee, fell through, due to the Bee "actually being worth something." While the final purchase details for Uncle Walt's have not been disclosed (unlike Twitter, U.W.I. is not a publicly ... Read more
What Would Walt Do? You ask, Uncle Walt answers!

Hey Walt, should Elon Musk buy Disney?

Now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter, he may have a few billion left over to buy Disney. Should he? Today's question:  "Hey Walt, should Elon Musk buy Disney?"  Submitted by B.C., J.V., J.D'A., & B.I., Various locations, USA Hi Anonymous, Thanks for asking. The idea of Disney keeping their independence and influence from a parent company has always appealed to me. It allowed for Disney to maintain their status as the head of the pack when it came to family entertainment. They were on the cutting ... Read more
Now that he can't tweet, think of what he'll do with all this new time on his hands! Image © Disney.

Twitter permanently bans @RealDonaldDuck

First they came for the ducks, but I did not speak out because I was not a duck... SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- Complete Unbiased® social media giant Twitter is permanently banning the @RealDonaldDuck account from ever tweeting again. Head Twit Jack Dorsey announced the move today. "We try to understand The Donald's tweets, but they are just uncomprehensible most of the time. So given his anger issues and his blatant Nazi past, we figured he must be inciting violence." Uncle Walt's Insider will keep ... Read more
Not a Disney park. Photo courtesy Pixabay.

Universal Orlando announces something new, and we have the details!

We knew it would be big, but we didn't know it would be THIS big! ORLANDO, FL -- According to numerous tweets, Universal Orlando Resort, Nail Salon, Spa and Spaceport will be making a big announcement later today. Although none of the tweets specified exactly what was happening, they say that "something EPIC is coming."  Speculation on the Internet is rampant. Many people are thinking that it's going to be an announcement of a fourth theme park. [Ed.: You've been reading their marketing ... Read more