Uncle Walt’s Insider Week in Review for May 3 - Uncle Walt's Insider

Uncle Walt’s Insider Week in Review for May 3

Uncle Walt's Insider Week in Review

Here’s what you missed while doing something much less important! 

Appearing this past week on Uncle Walt’s Insider:


(STEP) MOMS PANEL: HOW WILL DISNEY PARKS BE DIFFERENT WHEN THEY REOPEN – What will a reopened Disney park be like? The (Step) Moms know! (Enough to guess.)


NEW PARK ANNOUNCED: DISNEYLAND WUHAN! – We’re really hoping that this post will go viral. Viral, get it??


CHAPEK: DISNEY ATTRACTIONS WILL CONVERT TO ZOOM – “FroZoom Ever After,” anyone? Your favorite rides may soon become Zoom-based! 


(STEP) MOMS PANEL: A READER IS CONCERNED ABOUT US (STEP)MOMS. AWWW. – Thanks to all of our readers who have sent us masks. Now please send churros!


DISNEYNATURE WILL MAKE A LIVE-ACTION VERSION OF THE CATS MUSICAL – Finally, a DisneyNature film moviegoers might actually want to see!


DISNEYLAND DENVER? ELITCH’S “DEVELOPER” MIGHT BE DISNEY! – You heard it here first, friends (because we didn’t hear it from anyone else)!

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