Here’s what you missed while doing something much less important!
Appearing this past week on Uncle Walt’s Insider:
(STEP) MOMS PANEL: WALT DISNEY WORLD IS CLOSED? WHY? – The (Step)Moms did some exhaustive research (for once). Apparently it’s true. Huh. Who knew?
CINDERELLA CASTLE VANDALIZED, PAINTED PINK – We’re okay with gang tagging. But painting the whole thing pink? Really, vandals?
HALL OF PRESIDENTS TO BE REPLACED WITH “HAMILTON LIVE! FEATURING THE MUPPETS” – America’s favorite Treasury Secretary played by everyone’s favorite frog!
(STEP) MOMS PANEL: IS SPLASH MOUNTAIN A “CLASSIC”? – Our (Step)Moms take a real question — totally not intended for us — and give it our usual treatment.
WALT DISNEY CANCELED? NAME TO BE REMOVED FROM PARKS AND MOVIES WORLDWIDE – They first came for the statues, but I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a statue.
POTATO CAM, MORE COMING SOON TO DISNEY+ – Yeah, there’s some new old movies and shows, but we’re most excited about the potato!
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