trivia Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider

19 little-known facts about Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser

Our little-known facts series continues, in spite of underwhelming demand! It's a hotel! It's a spaceship! It's a hotel! No, it's a spaceship! Settle down, there's no need to argue. It's a hotel and a (pretend) spaceship! And whatever you think of Walt Disney World's new Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, we can all agree on one thing: it's ing expensive. But do you know everything there is to know about this "space cruise" experience? We at Uncle Walt's Insider do, of course! So read on ... Read more
Entrance to Disney, sorry, Six Flags. Photo by Jeremy Thompson [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr.

Top 13 things Six Flags parks are doing to compete with Disney

Can Six Flags overtake Disney? (We'll wait while you wipe the soda off your screen.) What is it with America's non-existent love affair with Six Flags? Truly, they are the parks you visit when you can't afford Disney. The good news for them is that soon, no one will be able to afford Disney! (Thanks, Bob!) But can Six Flags really ever compete with Disney parks? Here's some things they're trying, according to our always-reliable inside sources: An ad campaign highlighting that Speedy Gonzales, also ... Read more

16 little-known facts about “Storyliving by Disney”!

Our little-known facts series continues, in spite of underwhelming demand! The Disney Company has long wanted to be more than an entertainment company hosting "guests." Like any power-hungry corporation, they can exercise their authority so much better if they aren't just your host, but your government -- albeit a smiling, pixie-dust sprinkled version. From Walt's original dream of EPCOT as a true City of Tomorrow, to the town of Celebration, Florida, Disney longs to be in charge of actual living, breathing taxpayers. ... Read more

17 little-known facts about the “Beacon of Magic” lights at Epcot!

Our little-known facts series continues, in spite of underwhelming demand! Tens, possibly hundreds [Ed.: We'd research actual attendance numbers, but that's too much like work] of guests visiting the EPCOT Center Theme Park, Resort and Spa over the past few months have been dazzled by the new light show that's been glued onto the giant golf ball Spaceship Earth. But do you know everything there is to know about this new "Beacon of Magic" light show? We at Uncle Walt's Insider know everything about it. ... Read more
We can't wait to visit Apple, Oklahoma! Photo [CC-BY-2.0] via

The best and worst things about Apple buying Disney

I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing: that it was all started in a Los Altos garage. UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD - Now that the news is official that Apple is buying Disney, we thought we'd assemble a panel of experts and deep thinkers to discuss the pros and cons of the buyout. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any experts and deep thinkers, so we had to come up with these ourselves. We'll leave it to you to sort ... Read more