Uncle Walt’s Insider Week in Review for April 12 - Uncle Walt's Insider

Uncle Walt’s Insider Week in Review for April 12

Uncle Walt's Insider Week in Review

Here’s what you missed while doing something much less important! 

Appearing this past week on Uncle Walt’s Insider:


(STEP) MOMS PANEL: HOW SOON WILL THINGS GET BACK TO NORMAL? – Good question, but first shouldn’t we ask, do we really want normality back?


U.W.I. FOOD BLOG: MICROWAVE POPCORN – As journalists we gladly put our lives in danger for a story, as long as we can stay home where it’s safe.


DISNEY BUYS ZOOM; ANNUAL PASSES START AT $699 PER PERSON – Sure, it’s pricey, but think of all the virtual backgrounds they’ll offer! 


(STEP) MOMS PANEL: SHOULD I CANCEL MY CINDERELLA’S ROYAL TABLE RESERVATION? – The (Step) Moms know a CRT reservation is more valuable than your health!


DISNEY ANNOUNCES LIVE ACTION REMAKE OF TIGER KING – Even though the graphics are pretty good on the original — the tigers look almost real!


VISITING WALT DISNEY WORLD DURING A SHUTDOWN – PART 3: HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS – Our Uncle Walt continues his non-quarantined Disney adventure!

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