Page 90 – Uncle Walt's Insider
A sign on the Walt Disney Company headquarters. Photo by Utilizer [CC-BY-SA-4.0] via Wikimedia.

Amid Coronavirus fears, Disney selling off key assets

We can't believe they're letting these properties go! BURBANK, CA -- The Walt Disney Company is apparently having budget shortfalls, what with the extended closure of Hong Kong Disneyland and Shanghai Disney Resort over concerns about COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Consequently, they have announced that they would be selling off some assets. Newly appointed CEO Bob "Bobby Cutbacks" Chapek sent out a press release announcing the sales.  List of items for sale Uncle Walt's Insider staff carefully read through the 38 page list of assets that ... Read more

UWI Guide to Avoiding Coronavirus in Disney Parks

Pfft. Like any of us would stay home from Disney. UNCLE WALT'S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- From our frigid island home in the North Sea [Seriously, Walt, let us turn up the heat in the office!], we've been monitoring the health crisis sweeping the globe. And we know that nothing will stop rabid Disney fans from getting their park fix (though closing the Shanghai and Hong Kong parks have slowed a few people down). Because of that, we've assembled a few tips on ... Read more
A promotional graphic for DIsney's new Coronavirus Dance Parties. Photo [CC0] via Pixabay.

BREAKING: Disney announces “Coronavirus Dance Parties”

It's like the old chickenpox parties, but with dancing! BURBANK, CA -- With the ever-growing news on the COVID-19 pandemic, many public gatherings are being canceled, including NCAA & NBA sporting events, churches and schools. But Disney leadership has decided to take a different path. There will be an all-new offering at all Disney theme parks in the U.S.: The Coronavirus Dance Party. Each park will hold these dance parties nightly. Not unprecedented "Do you remember the chickenpox parties from when we were kids?" asked ... Read more
UWI Step Moms Panel

(Step)Moms Panel: Coronavirus fears PART 2

The Uncle Walt's Insider (Step) Moms Panel answers your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] So apparently Harriet hijacked this question and deleted all of the answers from the other (Step) Moms, just to push her "don't go to the parks" agenda. Fortunately, with much effort and at great expense, we were able to recover our ... Read more
UWI Step Moms Panel

(Step)Moms Panel: With coronavirus fears, should I avoid Disney parks?

The Uncle Walt's Insider (Step) Moms Panel answers your real questions with their own totally reliable advice. [Lawyer-mandated disclaimer: do NOT rely on this advice. Our panel of experts may or may not be actual stepmoms, but they are definitely evil.] "Dear (Step) Moms: There's a lot of fear about the coronavirus, and some experts say we should avoid public crowds. So should I stay away from Walt Disney World?” - Becca L., Asheville NC Harriet:  Yes. Do you have a question for the Uncle ... Read more