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The newly-colorized Leave a Legacy Memorial Markers at E.P.C.O.T. C.E.N.T.R.E. Photo courtesy Disney Tourist Blog, used by permission.

Leave a Legacy tombstones return to EPCOT

Apparently they found a found a licensed funeral director willing to help. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE COMMUNITY OF TOMMOROW CENTER, FL -- In a move that has shocked a few people, Disney has returned the "Leave a Legacy" monoliths to the front of the Epcot Centre Center. The monoliths, which were removed starting in 2018, have been relocated from inside the park to outside the main entrance. The Leave a Legacy monoliths were often referred to as tombstones. However, Disney executives have repeatedly denied that ... Read more
Pretty much the same park, except for the added firepower. Photo lifted from Twitter: @fakethemepark.

Fake Theme Park possibly moving to Texas

Sure, the picture looks the same, but you can tell it's in Texas from all the concealed-carry bulges. TWITTER -- As predicted by absolutely nobody, Fake Theme Park has joined the growing list of entities that have announced they are moving to Texas. In a now-deleted tweet, the popular theme park announced that they would be relocating from their current home in **FILLER TEXT** [Ed.: Be sure to find out where they're located before we publish this!] to a swampy inlet not far from ... Read more
Newsies Mountain? Photo primarily by Disney Tourist Blog, used by permission.

New Critter Country retheming — to Newsies?

You'll plummet to the sounds of "Seize the Day," perhaps? ANAHEIM, CA SOMEWHERE IN TEXAS -- In a rather odd announcement, Disney announced today that the "Critter Country" section of Texas' Disneyland Park will be rethemed, but the company would not say for sure what the new theme would be. Instead, they gave a cryptic hint at one of the possibilities. When Uncle Walt's Insider reached out to our normal contact, Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation), we discovered that she ... Read more
You know we wear it as a badge of honor when Snopes debunks us, right? Photo source: Snopes.com.

An Open Letter to the Snopes Editorial Staff

Is this necessary? We thought Snopes was satire. UNCLE WALTS INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD -- Dear Snopes Editorial Staff, We know you had to do it. We know that you had to remind the world that we're a satire web site (here and here). You've sworn an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We understand. You're just doing your job. But, at the same time, we see how you described us. Reading between the lines, we sense the ... Read more
The entrance arch to the newly-renamed "Orlando Magic Kingdom." Photo by Ivan Curra [CC BY-SA-3.0] via Wikimedia.

Disney adds corporate sponsor for the renamed “Orlando Magic Kingdom”

Nothing like a sponsor to make up for lost profits. AMWAY CENTER, FL -- Amid financial losses and decreased attendance, The Walt Disney Company has turned to corporate sponsorship to make up some of the shortfall. Corporate sponsorship, of course, is nothing new to Disney. However, for the first time ever, an entire park will be sponsored. Disney has announced that Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom will now be known as "The Orlando Magic Kingdom." Something about Basketball Uncle Walt's Insider was [Ed.: the ... Read more