walt disney frozen Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
Electrical lines soon to carry Walt-generated power! Photo [CC0] via Picryl.com.

Walt spinning in his grave burns out generator; California blackouts expected

Call it too much of a good thing... ANAHEIM, CA -- Well, it was good while it lasted. The electrical generator system hooked up to Walt Disney spinning in his grave has overloaded and is no longer usable -- and sources are already predicting power outages. As Uncle Walt's Insider reported, California had been enjoying a bonanza of extra power on its electrical grid by utilizing Walt Disney-generated power. The concept was simple -- hook up a generator to Walt Disney's frozen body, ... Read more
Okay, you'd think Disney would at least try to get different-looking actors for the other two roles. Photo mostly © 1989 Twentieth Century Fox.

“Weekend at Walt’s” coming soon to Disney+

We're guessing there's also a subplot about Mafia hitmen. BURBANK, CA -- In another brilliant move under the guidance of Bob "Bob" Chapek, Disney has announced an all-new, original feature film coming to Disney+: Weekend at Walt's! Chapek told Uncle Walt's Insider, "Disney fans want to see original movies and series -- they practically beg us! We of course listened, and in the past few years we've created and released many, many original movies, like the realistic version of the Lion King. ... Read more
Electrical lines soon to carry Walt-generated power! Photo [CC0] via Picryl.com.

Problem solved: all California to be powered by Walt Disney spinning in his grave

Tattoos? Piercings? Guys wearing nail polish? Whirr, whirr, whirr, whirr, whirrrrrr... ANAHEIM, CA -- No more blackouts for the California power grid -- the problem of an insufficient electrical supply has been solved, perhaps permanently! "Our Imagineers -- smart people -- they've theorized this was possible for quite a while," said Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation). "Just hook up a generator in the vault where we have Walt Disney's frozen body, get it spinning fast enough, and boom, plenty of ... Read more