topple Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is on the warpath. Wait, can we say 'warpath'? Photo Public Domain.

Walt Disney canceled? Name to be removed from parks and movies worldwide

We kind of figured this would have to happen eventually. BURBANK, CA -- Officials at the Company announced today that they are erasing 's name from films, theme parks, and products world-wide. (the company) spokesperson Jun (no relation) shared the reasoning. " was a backwards thinker. And he had a major part in creating things that can never see the light of day again, including Song of the South, Nazi-loving Donald Duck, and cream cheese-filled pretzels. Because of this, ... Read more
Is... is Mickey pointing to Walt, like "Take him! Take him first!"??? Because that's what it seems like. Photo by Steven Miller [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr & Pixabay.

“Young” Walt Disney statue the next to go?

Pulling down statues may prevent past "atrocities." Like Song of the South? ANAHEIM, CA -- The statue of noted oppressor Mickey Mouse was toppled last week at Disneyland, leaving many Disney fans asking, "What's next?" [Ed.: Actually, only a few asked "What's next?" The majority of questions we got after that article ran were, "Is this real?," followed by "What?," "Can I get Marty's number?," and "When does Disneyland Escanaba reopen?"] Apparently, "what's next" may be the statue of the young Walt Disney at ... Read more
Remember, it all started with a mouse. Photo by Olivier Bruchez [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Flickr.

Antifa pulls down statue of “historic oppressor” Mickey Mouse

Where will it end? DISNEYLAND, CA -- Chanting "Hey, ho, the mouse must go," protesters toppled the Mickey Mouse portion of the famed Partners Statue at Disneyland yesterday. A spokesperson for the protesters, Jun "Auntie" Fa (no relation), read a statement to Uncle Walt's Insider. We'd give you the whole thing here, but it was riddled with grammatical errors and poor reasoning, and we're not WDWNTT. Basically, it denounced "almost 100 years" of "rodent-based capitalistic terrorism" on the "poor downtrodden park-goers of the ... Read more