theft Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
The door to Orlando International Airport's exclusive Club 26. Photo [CC0] via

MCO Carousel 26 found! Exclusive to elite travelers

We uncover the elite "Club 26." ORLANDO, FL -- Last week Uncle Walt's Insider reported on the disappearance of Carousel 26 at the Orlando International Airport (MCO) baggage claim. As it turns out, in a rare case of our reporting being slightly incorrect, the missing carousel may not be missing after all. Instead of being stolen, Baggage Carousel 26 is apparently behind closed doors, accessible only to members of an elite club, possibly known as "Club 26." How did we miss that? While our ... Read more
Something's not right here. Photo by X, used without permission.

Thieves strike Orlando Airport, steal entire baggage carousel

We noticed the missing carousel once we remembered that there is a number between 25 and 27. ORLANDO, FL -- A gang of thieves apparently have stolen Baggage Carousel 26 at the Orlando International Airport (MCO), causing widespread fear and confusion for visitors to Florida's busiest airport. The theft was reported Monday after a passenger mistakenly that their luggage would be on Carousel 26. According to sources, the unnamed passenger searched between Carousels 25 and 27 for over three hours without success. Sources estimate ... Read more
Did these companies "borrow" decades-old self-driving technology from Disney? Photo includes image by Jishnuzz [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Disney outrage: ‘Tesla stole our self-driving technology’

Disney claims technology from several attractions has been 'stolen' by large companies Shocking news from the Glendale, California, offices of Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) today: an Imagineer says that several major companies have stolen research about self-driving cars from WDI. The Imagineer pointed to several examples of self-driving technology in Disney parks, including Jungle Cruise boats and Tomorrowland Speedway cars. A race for the first (?) self driving car Several companies are currently in a race to develop the first widely-accepted self-driving cars. Notable ... Read more