Can Uncle Walt’s Insider find success outside of the Yoopers of Michigan?
UNCLE WALT’S INSIDER H.Q. — With the publication of “Disney to build park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula” earlier this month, Uncle Walt’s Insider found itself going viral for the first time, which led to our servers crashing, Snopes debunking the article, a run on federally-insured banks, and the price of Jolly Rancher hard candies spiking briefly.
Naturally, we at Uncle Walt’s were thrilled (except for the candy thing), and are seeking to recapture the magic that led to the general panic about a Disney park in Escanaba, Michigan. Therefore, we wanted to give our regular readers [Ed.: Up to four, now!] a heads-up about what’s to come.
Over the next few weeks and months, in an attempt to go viral again, Uncle Walt’s will be predicting even more future Disney park locations with little-to-no evidence, verification, or… what’s that word?… oh yeah, facts. Expect articles predicting new parks in Greeley, Colorado; Bangor, Maine; Culiacán, Mexico; Red Deer, Alberta; Mount Pleasant, Iowa; and a revival of the plans for Disney’s America park in Virginia and Mineral King Resort in California.
Remember, as our Uncle Walt says and as Snopes incorrectly attributed (see also: “irony”), “There’s so much misinformation out there. We’re just doing what we can to help.”
Have you heard (or started) a rumor about a new park location? Comment below — you could be a source for a future article!
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Cover photo of probably-not new Disney park location in Michigan by rmhermen [CC-BY-SA-3.0] via Wikimedia Commons.