Valentine's Day Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
Lonely World -- tips for singles at theme parks.

Lonely World: Tips for Disney singles on Valentines Day

"Lonely World” is an ongoing series featuring romance tips for single adults visiting theme park destinations on their own. Are you alone on Valentines Day? You don't have to be! While everyone the world fawns over his or her significant other, you are free to have fun your own way -- and there is plenty of fun and camaraderie to be found for singles at Disney parks! So head on over to Disneyland or Walt Disney World and celebrate your singleness with ... Read more
New handmade chocolate hearts at Disneyland. Image from the Edible Museum.

Handmade chocolate hearts arriving at Disneyland

Forget those wimpy prostate-shaped traditional Valentines hearts! ANAHEIM, CA -- Arriving just in time for Valentine's Day, the master chefs at the Disneyland Resort and Spa have found the perfect gift for your loved one [Ed.: or loved ones. We don't judge]: handmade chocolate hearts! These lovingly crafted chocolate hearts are the perfect follow-up to Disneyland's popular handmade candy canes. Just as the candy canes are only available during the Christmas season -- that runs from just after Easter to February 13th of the ... Read more