treasury secretary Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
Poster for "Hamilton Live! Featuring the Muppets." Image © 2020 Disney (perhaps modified. A bit).

Hall of Presidents to be replaced with “Hamilton Live! Featuring the Muppets”!

It combines two things everyone loves: Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Miss Piggy as Angelica (and maybe Eliza, too). BAY LAKE, FL -- The Walt Disney Company has announced yet another major change coming to the Magic Kingdom, this time in Liberty Square. The venerable Hall of Presidents is scheduled to be replaced with a puppet show about a Secretary of the Treasury. That's right. The Hall of Presidents is being replaced by Hamilton, as portrayed by the Muppets. Something about Corporate Synergy Josh D'Amaro, Chairman ... Read more
He has to holler just to be heard, but with every word he drops knowledge. Photos by Steve Wise & Ken Lund [CC BY-SA 2.0] & Steve Jurvetson [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr, all jumbled up and remixed by Marty.

Lin-Manuel Miranda dedicates Disney’s Hall of Treasury Secretaries

The "Hamilton" star took a break from shooting "Mary Poppins Returns Again: the Cash-in." WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL -- Tucked into a corner of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park and Spa, between Africa and Pandora, is a new attraction: Disney's Hall of Treasury Secretaries. The new show features animatronics of every U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, from Alexander Hamilton all the way up to whoever holds that job today. Hamilton writer/composer/star/prop guy Lin-Manuel Miranda was on hand to dedicate the attraction. Manuel dazzled the ... Read more