pixie dust Archives - Uncle Walt's Insider
UWI News Brief - Tinker Bell and Pixie Dust.

Disney warns: off-brand pixie dust not safe for flying

Insist on the real article before you think of the happiest things. BURBANK, CA -- The Walt Disney Company responded today to recently-reported incidents involving trafficking of "off-brand pixie dust," cautioning folks to make sure they are in possession of the real thing before attempting flight. "While everyone looks forward to lifting off the ground and soaring to Never Never Land," today's press release states, "consumers should be aware that some pixie dust has been imported from countries and imaginary lands that do ... Read more
News Brief - Pixie Dust not to be taken internally.

News Brief: Pixie dust not to be taken internally

Like capsules of laundry detergent, pixie dust may seem edible, but it's not. BURBANK, CA -- In the wake of the "Tide Pod challenge," Disney officials have issued a warning that pixie dust is intended for external application only, and must not be taken internally. "It's never come up before," Disney spokesperson Jun Disney [no relation] told Uncle Walt's, "but apparently you just don't know these days what kids will try. Honestly, we have not tested what might happen if someone swallows ... Read more