Announcing the inaugural Uncle Walt's cruise! - Uncle Walt's Insider

Announcing the inaugural Uncle Walt’s cruise!

The Disney Magic totally for real on Bay Lake. Photo by Brandon Randall, used and modified by permission, and Pjotr Mahhonin [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons.

We’ll set a date just as soon as we get enough readers to cover our fare.

UNCLE WALT’S H.Q., SVALBARD — Uncle Walt’s Insider is pleased to announce its First Annual “Cruise with Uncle Walt & Friends”! We set sail next Spring!*

Sailing on the majestic Disney Magic, readers who sign up for this event will enjoy a 4-day, 7-night cruise on Disney Cruise Line’s wonderful Bay Lake itinerary, including a stop at Castaway Cay. Cruisers will enjoy special activities custom made for Uncle Walt’s Insider aficionados. Events currently scheduled* include:

Details and disclaimer

For more details, just drop us a line — we’ll send you all the information on fares, specific sailing dates, added fees, passport requirements, bribe/grift requirements, etc., just as soon as we make them up nail them down.

*All events subject to change. All cruise details subject to change. All cruisers subject to change, if we don’t like you. No refunds. At Uncle Walt’s sole discretion, the ship, itinerary, length of cruise, deposit policy, tipping requirements, and buffet selections may change. No guarantees, express or implied, are made by posting this cruise, and the Cruise with Uncle Walt & Friends event will only occur if enough people agree to pay over and above Disney Cruise Line’s already steep prices to cover the airfare and cruise costs of Uncle Walt’s Insider staff, or at least let them crash in your stateroom.

Are you as excited about this as we are? Sign up today!

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Cover photo of the Disney Magic totally for real on Bay Lake by Brandon Randall, used and modified by permission, and Pjotr Mahhonin [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons..