They also get free clothing and a role to play!
WALT DISNEY WORLD, FL — In last week’s article about the Cast Member Softball Tournament now underway at the Walt Disney World Resort and Spa, we reported that Cast Members were playing as if their very jobs were on the line. Because they are.
However, we failed to report about the reward awaiting the winning team members. And we have to admit, the first-place prize makes the risk of unemployment totally worthwhile:
The winning teams earn free admission to Walt Disney World!
But wait, there’s more
“That’s right,” Disney (the company) spokesperson Jun Disney (no relation) tells Uncle Walt’s Insider. “The winners will be able to enter Walt Disney World absolutely free of charge! Now who in the world would think Disney (the company) is treating them unfairly?”
But that’s not all the winners receive: “We’ll also provide each an every winning team member with free, colorful clothing to wear. Sure, it’s polyester, and usually pretty ugly. But there’s still more: when you put on that magical clothing, we’ll give you a fun and exciting role to play, making magic for other people!”
Disney (no relation) continues, “It’s another great thing for Disney. We let the Cast Members think we support their having a life and recreation outside of their jobs. We get rid of the weaker ones. And we reward the winners with something they get anyway. Win-win! Win.”
CORRECTION: In the previous article, Uncle Walt’s Insider erroneously reported that the Cast Member softball field included “vendors hawking churros.” That is, in fact, incorrect; writer Marty had several uneaten churros in his shirt pocket, and mistook the smell for the ongoing presence of churros at the field. We apologize to any Cast Members who were distracted from their game wondering where the churros have been.
Would you risk unemployment for free Disney admission? Okay, dumb question.
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Cover photo: Fireworks explode in celebration of Cast Members getting into Walt Disney World for free. Photo by X.