Come and meet your favorite Uncle Walt’s Insider author! Unless your favorite isn’t Marty.
DISNEYLAND, CA — Uncle Walt’s Insider authors tend to be shy and secretive, only appearing in public in disguise. In fact, we rarely leave our Svalbard headquarters unless we’re fairly certain we’re not currently wanted, and are at least temporarily off of the No-Fly List. (The Disney Company doesn’t handle satire well and has a lot of pull with the U.S. government.)
Nevertheless, we do occasionally have to get to a Disney park for (totally business-related and tax-deductible) research. I mean, we can’t make stuff up all the time!
At Disneyland through Thursday, May 2
So Marty, Writer and Ink & Paint supervisor for Uncle Walt’s, will be at the parks of the Disneyland Resort and Spa starting today. He’ll be there through Thursday.
We’re too lazy to organize a meet and greet (we’re still tired from the Club 33 shindig). But if any of our loyal readers [Ed.: Four of you now? Five?] just happen to be at Disneyland in today (4/30), tomorrow (5/1), or Thursday (5/2), be on the lookout for Marty, and say hi if you spot him!
Okay, this just got complicated
Hmm. We just remembered that Marty doesn’t look much like his picture above. So how will you recognized him?
Easy — he’ll be wearing his “I Have a Button” button, pictured below! (In spite of this article, you probably won’t see any others just yet.)
So if you spot a large guy wearing this button, it’s Marty. Feel free to stop him and say “Hi.” Or “I love Uncle Walt’s.” Or “Here’s a free churro.”
What do you think he looks like in real life? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: Marty is at Disneyland this week. He looks nothing like this. Photo by Carterhawk [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons.