Disneyland Bavaria invades France; Disneyland Paris surrenders - Uncle Walt's Insider

Disneyland Bavaria invades France; Disneyland Paris surrenders

Artist's conception of the remodeled "Cinderellschwanstein Castle." Photos from Pixabay & Pxhere.

Troubling brewing in the European parks.

PARIS, FRANCE — French news agency Agence France-Presse is reporting that Disneyland Paris surrendered to its Bavarian counterpart earlier today. Details are still sketchy, but apparently the park was responding to an invasion into French territory by Disneyland Bavaria Cast Members.

Check back here for details as they surface.


Officials at Disneyland Paris confirm the surrender. In a translated statement, they express the desire to “maintain their culture and avoid the loss of life that resisting an invasion would bring.” They are turning control over the parks to their German counterparts, and are currently awaiting instructions as to the establishment of a new park administration.


Never mind. It appears the “invasion” was merely 20-year-old Mattias Haupt, a Cast Member at Disneyland Bavaria.

Haupt, a resident of Füssen, Germany, was visiting relatives in Strasbourg, France, and was showing off his Disney name badge in a public place. That, apparently, was all it took to set off the panic.

Even though this story is resolved, be sure to check back for more updates. We need the page hits.

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Cover photo, an artist’s conception of the remodeled “Cinderellschwanstein Castle” at Disneyland Bavaria, from Pixabay & Pxhere.