Any food blog can review stuff restaurants and food carts serve. But what about the coffee in your room?
UNCLE WALT’S H.Q., SVALBARD – You’ve arrived for your magical vacation at the Walt Disney World resort, but it was a late flight, a long trip on the Magical Express, and now you’re getting up for rope drop. We’ve all been there, tired, cranky, and you just want to sleep in, but Rise of the Resistance is calling.
Normally at home you would have your coffee pot programmed, and that sweet, sweet caffeine delivery would be waiting for you. But no, you’re not at home, you’re at your home away from home, the Grand Floridian Villas at the Grand Floridian Resort, Spa & Coffee Roasters!
Walt must have written this; he’s the only one who can afford to stay there
Coffee is often overlooked in hotel rooms. Why, on my last trip to jolly ole England, it was INSTANT coffee. No one needs caffeine that bad! But Disney has taken it to the next level at the Disney Vacation Club (also known as DVC) Resorts with their in-room coffee makers!
Let’s start with the hardware. They use what is a standard drip coffee maker, nothing fancy. Just a plastic housing that holds the filter and water reservoir. The coffee pot is a standard glass coffee pot. If you want to bring this magic of Disney home, you can find this exact model in the discount coffee maker sections of most big box retailers for around $19.99.
Seriously, at best what he pays has us all sharing a room at the All-Star Movies
Now to the important part, the coffee! The Joffrey’s (yes, the same coffee in the parks, outside of Starbucks) coffee comes in a pre-packaged plastic bag. The coffee grounds are contained in a pre-filled filter, so no mess. Just pop it into the coffee maker, add water, turn it on and you’re already winning Disney!
Many people will say that the important part of coffee starts with the beans, the water, and the coffee maker. Those of us who have had more than one late night than they care to know that the most important part of coffee is the caffeine.
Bet he wishes he wrote his own subheaders now
To our surprise, the Joffrey’s in-room coffee is quite pleasant. Upon the first sip, our reviewer [Ed.: Hi, Uncle Walt!] noted that the coffee has a crisp, delicately sweet-tone to it. Flavors of gently scorched cedar, fresh-cut oak, and sandalwood [Ed.: Uh, we sure he was drinking coffee and not wood shavings?] come through on the first sip. There is a bitter-sweet structure to the coffee, as well as a brisk acidity. Like when you’re in desperate need of a drink refill after eating spicy food and your waiter just blows on by ignoring your frantic waving. Suddenly flavors of hazelnut, chocolate, and banana come through on the finish.
We give the Joffrey’s In-Room Coffee 3 Churros out of 5.
Is there a food or beverage that you’d like for us to review? Let us know in the comments below!
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