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Surefire great success at box office! Photo credit: Daily Mail UK.

Disney gives up on the whole “making money” thing

Can you gamble on a movie flopping? Because we'd take this bet. BR'ER BANK, CA -- After multiple bid-budget theatrical releases losing money this year, and with declining theme park attendance, the Disney Company announced this week that they are just giving up on making money. The announcement came in the form of still images from the upcoming Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs remake. From the images, and interviews with various actors and screenwriters, it appears that many significant changes have been made ... Read more
Na'vi protestors, with Will Smith as the Genie (inset). Photo courtesy; inset photo © 2019 Disney.

Na’vi criticize Genie casting: “Were no blue actors available?”

Will Smith is "a great actor... but he's not blue." BURBANK, CA -- Pandoran protestors marched on Disney Studios yesterday, demanding that the role of Genie in the upcoming live-action remake of Aladdin be recast. "Will Smith is a great actor," Na'vi spokesperson Swizav Tawwäì'itan told Uncle Walt's Insider. "I've been a fan of his since he starred in Eyktan'itan Pxasul te Bel-Air. But there are plenty of blue actors out there, and he's not blue." An uneven history Disney has had a bumpy history with ... Read more