Will Smith is “a great actor… but he’s not blue.”
BURBANK, CA — Pandoran protestors marched on Disney Studios yesterday, demanding that the role of Genie in the upcoming live-action remake of Aladdin be recast.
“Will Smith is a great actor,” Na’vi spokesperson Swizav Tawwäì’itan told Uncle Walt’s Insider. “I’ve been a fan of his since he starred in Eyktan’itan Pxasul te Bel-Air. But there are plenty of blue actors out there, and he’s not blue.”
An uneven history
Disney has had a bumpy history with the Na’vi people.
“Sure, they built Pandora: The World of Avatar,” Tawwäì’itan said. “And the location was perfect — our people are used to oppressively hot and humid environments. But then they didn’t hire any Na’vi Cast Members, like they did for the nations in World Showcase — at least, not until we protested.”
At press time, Disney Studios had not responded publicly to the demand.
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Cover photo: Na’vi protestors, with Will Smith as the Genie (inset). Photo courtesy wallpapertag.com; inset photo © 2019 Disney..