Marty reviews the latest new feature film streaming on Disney+.
UNCLE WALT’S H.Q., SVALBARD — Raya and the Last Dragon debuted on Disney+ last Friday, and parents, kids, and those weird Disney fans that aren’t in either of those two categories are wondering: should I watch it?
Fortunately for our readers, having Disney+ on our 18″ office TV is one of the few perks our Uncle Walt gives us here. We think it’s just because he copied a neighbor’s login info when helping him set up the streaming service, so he doesn’t have to pay for it. But either way we’re not complaining. [Ed.: At least not to his face.]
Our verdict on Raya and the Last Dragon
So here goes! Let’s see… click over to Disney+… select who’s watching… ignore the cuteness of Wall-E in my watch list [Ed.: It’s still a travesty that the 2008 Annie award for best orphan movie animated feature film went to Kung Fu Panda!] Ah, there it is: Raya and the Last Dragon… select, and… huh. Apparently they want $29.99 to watch it, above and beyond what Walt’s neighbor’s are already paying monthly!
Such a ripoff. Sure, I spend that much just on popcorn when I go to the movies by myself, but this $29.99 doesn’t even include popcorn! Wonder if the neighbors will notice if… yeah, dang it, they’ve set up a PIN code for purchases.
Verdict: One of you should definitely watch it. Here at our headquarters. Then I can watch along with you and tell everyone else what I think.
Or can you share your D+ password and a credit card number? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: This is as far as we got without paying. Image © 2021 Disney.