We don’t want to just run negative stories about the Mouse!
UNCLE WALT’S INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD – No question, Disney’s reputation has taken a beating lately.
After its recent foray into Florida politics, and information leaking about inserting sexual matters into children’s programming, for some reason folks don’t seem to be as trusting of the company. In fact, a recent NBC poll says that, in one year, Disney has dropped from a 77% favorable/21% unfavorable (+56) rating in the eyes of the public to just 33%/30% (+3), a 53% drop. Also, the company’s stock price has dropped from $156 per share a year ago to just over $100, a drop in almost $100 Billion in company valuation.
We at Uncle Walt’s Insider are certain that Disney has learned its lesson and good times will soon be returning. In the meantime, we want to help them keep their chin up by reminding them that there are still things that are less popular than Disney:
Ron DeSantis
The Florida governor who took Disney on still has a lower favorable/unfavorable rating than the Mouse. Disney should be proud that they as a family entertainment company are slightly beating out a divisive politician!
Almost every poll we looked at shows that most people think that, while Disney sucks lately, cancer sucks more. Yay Disney!
Stepping on Legos
So painful. Take that, LegoLand!
Stepping on Legos after a cancer diagnosis
Though to be fair, Ron DeSantis stepping on Legos was more popular.
Ms. DeGilbert, Marty’s fourth grade teacher
We’re not sure why there was a national poll about her, but we can’t argue. She was the worst.
Being sued
Even if you did nothing wrong, it’s still such a hassle.
The price of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser
We’re not really sure this counts, since it’s a part of Disney being less popular than the whole of Disney. But we’re also having trouble finding other items to round out the list.
Waiting at the DMV
It’s better than it was in years past, now that you can entertain yourself on your phone while you wait. But it still is less popular than Disney.
In fact, many (but not all) venereal diseases poll worse than the Mouse these days. Yay Disney! Keep up the good work.
Can you think of anything else? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: Disneyland, basking in its popularity with swarms of people. Photo via Twitter..