Is this necessary? We thought Snopes was satire.
UNCLE WALTS INSIDER H.Q., SVALBARD — Dear Snopes Editorial Staff,
We know you had to do it. We know that you had to remind the world that we’re a satire web site (here and here). You’ve sworn an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We understand. You’re just doing your job.
But, at the same time, we see how you described us. Reading between the lines, we sense the ever-so-slight bit of astonishment in your words as you point out that we’ve been delivering award-winning (whether made up or not) Theme Park related satire for over 2 years. We can imagine you rolling your eyes at the people who missed all the blatantly obvious signs that we’re a satire website.
(And hey, credit where credit’s due; at least you didn’t call us “relatively obscure” this time, like you did in 2018.)
We’re sure most of the articles you have to validate are about serious subjects. We know that humanity as a whole is becoming a planet of idiots. We know it can’t be pleasant to wade through all the muck in this vast lawless land known as the Internet. So, at the end of the day, we hope we made you laugh. We hope we gave you a few minutes of brightness in your day. We hope that we can do the same for our readers who get the jokes.
Until next time,
Uncle Walt’s Insider
When Snopes says “routine review of content labeled satire,” is that a nice way of saying, “look, you dolts, ‘FAKE NEWS’ is right there in their header. Quit pestering us!”? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: You know we wear it as a badge of honor when Snopes debunks us, right? Photo source: