Ub's Analysis: It's time to end pin trading - Uncle Walt's Insider

Ub’s Analysis: It’s time to end pin trading

Ub's Analysis

Wait, we gave Ub space to express an opinion? This can’t be good.

[Ed.: Marty, I thought we went with the other version of the cover photo. You know, the one that didn’t blow up the first four letters of “Analysis”? Fix this before publishing.]

UNCLE WALT’S H.Q., SVALBARD – The holidays are over and 2020 is here. Thank goodness. The crowds at Disney World – ostensibly you – have gone home, and the rest of us can enjoy the parks once again.

Walt asked me to start this new segment on Uncle Walt’s Insider. I think he’s just looking for a good reason to fire me. [Ed.: Dang it, he wasn’t supposed to notice.] Last time I wrote an actual article, he said that if I did something like that, I’d no longer be queued up at theme parks for UWI, but at the end of the queue at the local employment office.


Pins no more

Today, we need to talk about Disney trading pins. [Ed.: What is Disney doing trading pins? Isn’t he dead?] [Ed.: Oh, wait. “Trading pins,” not trading some pins. Never mind.] Ever since 1999, Disney pins have been a major part of the Disney experience. But it’s time for pin trading to stop.

There’s an entire industry that’s grown around Disney pin trading, from holders to displays, from lanyards to shipping options, and even different clasps and backs to use so you don’t poke yourself with the pin on the back. You can find people reselling Disney pins on Ebay and Poshmark. Why?

Yeah, why?

Since I’m writing this, I guess I have to answer the question: Honestly, I’m not sure. Because people don’t have anything better to do when at theme parks, apparently? That’s the only conclusion I can come to.

There was once a day when people went to theme parks to ride rides, eat good food, meet characters from their favorite movies and tv shows, and stand in queues. Not anymore. Now, it’s all about pins.

I might understand if the pins were all made of precious metals or something, but they’re not. They’re no different from other metal lapel pins, except that they have characters and themes on them, and that means they can be sold at a premium.

An actual useful idea, maybe?

What I want is a Congressional pin trading system. You put one of those pins on, and people get out of your way, hold doors for you, call elevators to your floor whether you need them or not. That’s a pin on which I’d pay a premium. [Ed.: Maybe we can sell fake ones?]

So in short, it’s time to end Disney pin trading. It’s been a fun tradition for some people, for twenty years. But if they could kill Horizons, World of Motion, and Superstar Limo, they can do away with pin trading too. That way, they can get Disney guests back into the queues where they belong, and get their Cast Members back to doing the more important work, like handing out maps to people at Splash Mountain.

Do you agree with Ub? And if so, what’s wrong with you? Let us know in the comments below!

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