Still the only duck in the top twenty.
NEW YORK, NY — According to Money magazine, Scrooge McDuck has jumped two places in just six months in its list of the richest individuals in the world. At an estimated worth of $71.6 billion dollars, McDuck has passed Spanish fashion retailer Amancio Ortega ($70B) and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg ($71B).
Sources inside the McDuck organization cite a change in financial strategy for the increase. McDuck, long known for touting the benefits of “hoarding,” has recently been persuaded to try actually investing some of his riches.
If the increase continues, McDuck may soon pass luxury goods mogul Bernard Arnault ($72B) at #4, but still has a ways to go to reach the estimated $84 billion worth of investor Warren Buffett.
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Cover photo of the world’s 5th richest man duck © Walt Disney Productions.