It’s the story of a misunderstood virus just wanting to be loved.
EMERYVILLE, CA — Disney Pixar Studios has announced a new feature film release for 2021: “VIRAL.”
A press release for the film describes the protagonist as “Covie, a young virus struggling with loneliness, in a world that wants nothing to do with him.” Covie “once had a beloved friend and host, an elderly food stall vendor in an unnamed eastern country.” [Ed.: He dies in the first ten minutes, right? Dang it, Pixar!] But now he must face “closed borders, civil unrest, and impenetrable crocheted facemasks” as he looks for love and acceptance.
Pixar promises a “special surprise” for moviegoers. The press release does not give details on what that surprise is, but notes that attendees will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days after seeing the movie.
Worth it, right? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: Covie, starring in Disney-Pixar’s “VIRAL” in 2021. Photo by Mikhail Denishchenko [CC0] via, modified.