In a stunning coincidence, every single active YouTube Disney vlogger just happened to show up in the same spot at the Studios on Thursday.
DISNEY’S HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS — A chance meeting between well-known video bloggers, or “vloggers,” SirWillow and TimTracker at Disney’s Hollywood Studios last Thursday quickly escalated, as dozens of Disney vloggers converged on the site, apparently coincidentally. Witnesses report a crowd of dozens of the YouTube stars on Grand Avenue near the MuppetVision theater, including Adam the Woo, Justin Scarred, World of Micah, CinemaSickness, Adventures by George, Ears2You, alyssaontherocks, Adam Hattan, Krispy Smore, Princess Eryne, sWooZie, and more, each of them videoing the encounter for their respective YouTube channels (and many of them live-streaming the event). Shortly after this chance gathering, the entire Disney Parks Moms Panel showed up as well, overloading the YouTube website. The video streaming service was brought back online two days later.