Like the Good Book says, “Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.” No, wait – that was Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge.
ORLANDO, FL — Everyone’s favorite Orlando-area theme park that isn’t Disney or Universal and is also themed to the Bible has fallen on some hard times lately. However, they’re not throwing in the towel yet!
In fact, rather than scaling back, the park will be adding thrill rides in hopes of drawing in a whole new crowd. Holy Land Experience (the theme park) spokesperson Jun “Holly” Land (no relation) gave us the details:
“In the past, we’ve focused on museum-like displays and live reenactments of Biblical stories,” Land (no relation) shares. “That’s great for some folks, but a lot of our guests said they wanted more rides and attractions. We’re hoping to get our visitors’ adrenaline pumping with three new rides:
1. The Hills of Galilee roller coaster
“The first ride will be the tallest ever constructed in a Bible-themed amusement park. At over 300 feet tall, the Hills of Galilee coaster will take guests soaring up and down, plunging through a tunnel below our scale replica of the Sea of Galilee, and then heading south to end in a ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ corkscrew.
2. Escape from Sodom
“Escape from Sodom will be a trackless vehicle ride that takes you through the City of Sodom, just before God’s wrath begins to pour out upon it. You’ll see some pretty disgusting things — riders must be over the age of 21 — but then your vehicle will dodge fire and brimstone and collapsing buildings as you try to leave town. Don’t look back once you make it out, or you won’t enjoy the ending.
3. The Jericho Adventure
“Finally, what I’m most excited about — The Jericho Adventure. This will be a 4-D ‘moving theater’ virtual reality experience, where you march with the children of Israel around the walls of Jericho seven times. Okay, it’s kind of dull marching around in silence all that time, but at the end when the trumpets blow and you shout with all your might, you won’t believe what happens with the walls. But I don’t want to give away too much.”
Have you booked your next vacation at the Holy Land Experience Resort and Spa? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: The Holy Land — wheeeeeee! – Experience. Photo by Zfigueroa [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia.