It’s not a new attraction; the driver just took a wrong turn. Or two.
ANAHEIM, CA — Guests at Disneyland Park were treated to a rare sight yesterday: a narrowboat from Wales on the Rivers of America. Park officials were at a loss to explain the boat’s presence, but fortunately one of Uncle Walt’s Intrepid reporters was on hand, having camped out overnight on Tom Sawyer Island to get another day out of his one-day pass.
Lengthy interview
Gruffydd Morris, 63, owns and operates the vessel. Morris spoke at length with our reporter, who nodded and smiled the whole time despite not speaking a word of Welsh. Through an occasional word of English and various hand gestures, we came to understand that Morris had intended to travel to Gloucester in the south of England, but took a wrong turn onto the Shropshire Union Canal near Nantwich, and (something something something in Welsh) found himself at Disneyland.
Our reporter had a pen and a spare park map handy, so he had Mr. Morris write a description of his adventures. Unfortunately, it also is in Welsh, so we still don’t know what happened. Here’s what he wrote, in case you want to have a go at it:
Helo, fy enw i yw Gruffydd Morris. Wrth gwrs, dwi’n siarad Saesneg. Mae bron pawb yng Nghymru yn siarad Saesneg. Mewn gwirionedd, dim ond tua thraean o’r boblogaeth hyd yn oed yn siarad Cymraeg yn fwy, yn anffodus. Ond rwy’n mwynhau gwylio’r gohebydd idiot hwn yn ceisio defnyddio arwyddion llaw i ddeall fi.
Beth bynnag, os ydych chi wedi gwneud hyn, a bod y wefan gyfieithu boblogaidd yn gwneud gwaith digonol, llongyfarchiadau. Gyda llaw, ysbrydolwyd yr erthygl hon gan ymosodiad Marty yn ddiweddar gyda fideos ar-lein o gychod cul, yn enwedig un sianel gan gohebydd newyddion yn Lloegr a roddodd ei swydd, gwerthu ei dŷ, a phrynu cwch i fyw ynddo. Mae’n postio fideos o’i deithiau o gwmpas cefn gwlad Lloegr. Yn ddifyr iawn ac yn bleserus. Gallwch ddod o hyd i’w wefan yma.
Puttering off into the sunset
And so our reporter bid Morris and his boat adieu, or whatever adieu is in Welsh, as his narrowboat gently disappeared around the bend and faded into the sunset. Which was a little worrying, as it was still only ten in the morning. We at Uncle Walt’s wish Mr. Morris the best of success in returning to his homeland, but strongly advise him to moor for a bit and get some churros for the journey.
Would churros make you cross the Atlantic on a narrowboat? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cover photo: The “Newyddion Ffug” navigates the Rivers of America. Photo by Michael Gray via Flickr & David Hawgood via [CC BY-SA 2.0].