Idiot bus driver!

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by gurgi » Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:37 am

and crimping her eye lashes.

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by DisneyMom » Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:45 pm

gurgi wrote:and crimping her eye lashes.

Crimping eyelashes + sudden stop= nowhere to apply mascara :eek:

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by Tiny Tim » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:48 pm

I have one better than that. Coming back from the TMC plant in Roswell NM on I 40 a ups semi pass us and hes reading a newspaper at 70 mph.

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by SirWillow » Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:35 pm

slightly off topic, but related, we had one the other day that just infuriated my wife. I had some business over at casting, so she went over to Downtown Disney and hopped on a bus over to Fort Wilderness to spend some time. She's ready to come back and is waiting at the bus stop, which serves both Downtown Disney and MGM as destinations. Bus pulls up after a long wait and shows Downtown Disney as the destination so she and a couple of other families get on. Driver takes them around the campground, then goes over to MGM, never saying a word to any of them about anything until they get there. Then tells them it's the end of the line, see you later.

they're all stunned. My wife says that one of the families had dinner reservations at one of the restaurants, and this driver left them stranded because he had the wrong destination posted, then wouldn't help them find another way over to DD, telling them to take a bus to Saratoga Springs and walk over. She was so upset she forgot to check and get their name, but it left me a bit shocked.

Sometimes you get some real winners there. Thankfully that's not any of ours here!

What do you mean you won't smile for the camera?

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by Big Wallaby » Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:02 am

There's no excuse for that. I don't honestly care if it's the driver's fault or the box. In buses, we understand that guests lie about things like that, but if you have unconnected guests all saying the same thing, then you as the driver have a problem to take care of.

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by Princess Susi » Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:40 am

RWD=Reading While Driving, the new offense. Interesting, because when I was in Vet Tech school, my classmates would come in on a test morning and invariably, at least several would tell me that they had studied while driving into class that morning! :eek: . That is so wrong. I ALWAYS have a book or magazine with me to read while i am stopped for a good while, BUT while driving, jeeze...Let's add holding a cup o' joe and talking on a cell phone to tell her friend about all the good parts in the book and she is eating a Macbreakfast at the same time as all of the above as well. Now there is a driver I want to stay as far away as possible from after pulling over and dialing the cops to stop them! We do not talk on our phones while driving and if someione calls me and tells me they are on the road, I ask if they have pulled over and will continue the conversation if so. If they say they are driving, I tell them to call back when they find a place to pull over or it can wait til they get there. It is so dangerous to do ANYTHING else while behind a wheel and infuriates me that those who do it do NOT consider anyone else on the road. It is all about them and them only! They take the life of EVERY other person on the road in their hands when they drive! The texting is the one that is getting kids into trouble. 3 high school students here were recently killed because the driver was texting and crashed! It is so bad. :( :mad:

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by Kwahati » Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:14 am

I know this is a slightly late response, but I'd like the record to show one more vote for "quiet word to a supervisor."

Actually, my vote really goes to "quiet word to your colleague." There's a concept that I picked up in the military that I really value and I think it's overlooked in the workplace. I call it "handling things at the lowest possible level." If you see someone doing something they shouldn't you should try to talk to them about it. Phrase it however you want (though be aware that threats generally put people off, of course) but it's far easier for everyone if you go to her and see if she can fix her own actions rather than tattling to a supervisor. According your colleagues that level of respect can do wonders for esprit de corps.

As an alternative, though, I vote for quiet word to a supervisor in that you can phrase it in a way that's not tattling ("I think I might have seen something like this, so you may want to talk to her about it and see what's going on...") Who knows, maybe she was looking at a FL state drivers manual to find out what the different colored lights mean! Or maybe she's grown too comfortable in the job and the lack of direct supervision and that has bred contempt which could be easily corrected with a word from a coworker or supervisor. You never know which low level solutions may work until you try... :D:

Edited to add: or, it's possible that she's a moron who will not correct her actions and her ass should be shit-canned! :rolleyes:

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by ktulu » Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:58 am

SirWillow wrote:slightly off topic, but related, we had one the other day that just infuriated my wife. I had some business over at casting, so she went over to Downtown Disney and hopped on a bus over to Fort Wilderness to spend some time. She's ready to come back and is waiting at the bus stop, which serves both Downtown Disney and MGM as destinations. Bus pulls up after a long wait and shows Downtown Disney as the destination so she and a couple of other families get on. Driver takes them around the campground, then goes over to MGM, never saying a word to any of them about anything until they get there. Then tells them it's the end of the line, see you later.
We had a driver who pulled up to the Contemporary and stopped at the curve, didn't pull all the way up to the line to drop off her guests. So the crowd waiting (going to DTD) walks to the bus and gets on. THEN the driver pulls up to the line, stops and opens the door and waits for a minute before leaving.

Well, some SG's on the bus later saw that we were going to DTD and not Saratoga Springs. The lead male of the pack goes up to chat with the bus driver about it, saying that the sign at the stop said Saratoga Springs. Now, the driver spieled each destination and stop. He was super pissed, and I was laughing at this point forgetting the drivers earlier bout of stupidness. She tells him that if you are in NY and you go to a stop, you double check to make sure you are getting on the right bus, since a stop serves multiple buses. SG's response is, "we're not in NY!" and I'm thinking, "no, but the principal is the same..."

So, they get off and ask for a supervisor, so I stick around to make sure it is known that the driver spieled each stop and is not at fault. The SG tells the super that he has been coming to WDW since 1986 and NEVER had this problem. Some woman in the pack speaks up and says "and they want us to spend more money at SS for DVC!" and then starts the "How is this going to be remedied?" I tapped the super on the shoulder and told him "Sorry to interrupt, but I have dinner reservations and just wanted to let you know that the driver announced each destination and stop." I wanted to put in "but this family are obviously above reading where the bus is going." but I didn't, I just left so we could enjoy our dinner.

I was much more aware and conscious of the SG's this trip, I don't know it is a good or bad thing, but it still has not taken away from my desire to be a CM :)

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by SirWillow » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:13 pm

Big Wallaby wrote:There's no excuse for that. I don't honestly care if it's the driver's fault or the box. In buses, we understand that guests lie about things like that, but if you have unconnected guests all saying the same thing, then you as the driver have a problem to take care of.
That's what I told my wife. She said no one else got on the bus, so the only ones left were people wanting to go to DD. Seems like the common sense/ courtesy thing to do might have been to radio in and see about making a quick drop off at DD for them, since it's not that far out of the way. Or at least make some sort of arrangements for them instead of leaving them hanging at a park where there isn't any direct connection. Oh well.

What do you mean you won't smile for the camera?

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Re: Idiot bus driver!

Post by Big Wallaby » Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:27 am

I always thought it was funny that they put SS and CoPo at the same stop, although different buses. We get that problem all the time. People choose not to read the sign, they don't listen to the driver saying that we are going from point A to B, but not C (and if you're going to C, get out of here). I've had multiple times that I've made the announcement that we are not going to the other resort, JUST the one I am assigned, does everyone understand? And they still come up wondering why we're not going to the place they want to go.

I do get a laugh out of the fact they put that kind of stop at the place which serves the most alcohol...

My opinions are mine and mine only. If my opinions are the opinion of others who happen to share whatever my crazy views may be, then fine, but it's not because I represent them in having my opinions. Got it?

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