Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by Main Streeter » Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:19 am

IRSmart1 wrote:Hate to break the bad news to ya folks but you are all GUESTS. That means you have certain moral responsibilities to clean up after yourself and not leave a mess. Just because I work here does not mean I am your maid. Grow up and use those great pieces of modern technology called TRASH CANS.
IRSmart, such perfect wording! :trophy: Wish you'd blow up & post in ALL DL breakrooms - especially the one behind M S - by parade character dressing room. Nasty place. :eek:

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by Stduck » Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:21 am

Main Streeter wrote:IRSmart, such perfect wording! :trophy: Wish you'd blow up & post in ALL DL breakrooms - especially the one behind M S - by parade character dressing room. Nasty place. :eek:
The Critter Country Breakroom used to be bad. We all had a pretty good idea who the culpret was based on what sort of trash was left. Signs were posted about keeping the breakroom clean and its been nice ever since.

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by AlpineDL » Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:21 am


Saw a flat of waters heading to either ODV or the restaurant the other day... and flat twist caps. :D: The wonderful rumors were true!

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by bpgstudios » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:29 am

Yep, here too apparently! When I got a water in the park one day I notice the recular cap, and shouted out the loudest "WHOOOOOPPPPIEEEEE" in my life.

Damn little clear plastic caps, always shooting out from under my feet into places where I can't reach them easily...*grumble*
----but their GONE NOW! WOOOOOO! :D: :D: :D:

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by AlpineDL » Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:10 pm

In bulk price that's gotta be like a whole 3c saved on each one, so let's just pretend it's to make things less annoying for us. ;)

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by mechurchlady » Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:44 pm

I wonder if there have not been accidents involving people slipping and falling on the damned caps. Maybe it is not the three cents but the lawsuits they were facing. They were a safety hazard and a danger to guests walking in the park, boom another fat lady taken out by a Dasani cap.


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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by Kwahati » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:27 am

mechurchlady wrote:Maybe it is not the three cents but the lawsuits they were facing.
Nah, couldn't be. If Disney cared about avoiding lawsuits, they'd have to take out a lot more than Dasani caps...let's see, how about the ecv's, they're pretty dangerous, and the rides with all the big heavy machinery--someone could get killed or maimed by those. How about the resaurants, sometimes food gets mishandled and people get sick...they could sue. Or maybe even the flowers, I've got allergies. If my eyes start to water it could ruin my magical experience and I will *definitely* sue!

I'm pretty sure the savings per bottle actually comes in at *less* than three cents a unit (no, I don't have any insight into Disney's deal with Coca-Cola [the makers of Dasani], but I have managed a lot of restaurants) but the money is still enormous based on the volume of product Disney moves. While to a restaurant in the real world, the difference might only be a couple of dollars in food cost per day, to disney it could be thousands (again, that's kinda just a guess, because I don't know how much water Disney moves, but I think 100,000 units a day at a couple of cents per unit equaling out to around 2000USD/day or almost three quaters of a million per year in saved food cost is a pretty good low-ball estimate) So I'd have to agree it's once again all about the $$$ for Disney. But I'm willing to pretend it's because CM's hated the little clear caps and corporate wanted to give something back! :D:

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by GaTechGal » Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:26 pm

The lawsuit is not out of the question. At Bobby Dodd Stadium (that's at Ga Tech for all that don't know) some lady tripped on a water bottle cap and sued. For one or two seasons of football that would not let you have the cap when you bought water. It was INCREDIBLY annoying. I took to carrying a sport cap in my purse just to have something to put on the bottle so I didn't have to drink it all at once or have the kids spill thier whole bottle on the way to our seats. They have finally relented, but now I know where the Disney Dasani clear caps have gone. Threw 3 away on Saturday. :)

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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by mechurchlady » Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 pm

I still think there was a possibility of the law dogs and news media being involved. Even if a case does not make it to the courts there are compensations, out of courts settlements, bad press, and the cost of feeding the law dogs.

I have slipped on enought crap in my life to know that the caps were a major hazzard. People do not watch where they are walking and I have seen enough slip and falls or near falls.

Also there is the increased sales because people will have to use two bottles. A penny per bottle per day and at 10,000 units is still $36,500 plus the extra sales. that is the disney way.


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Re: Those f@*#ing Dasani caps

Post by AlpineDL » Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:51 am

Just think though... I bet a LOT more than 2% of people who would have bought the sport bottle won't buy the smaller one, cause the 24oz is a ripoff to begin with and looks a whole lot bigger. So all for naught? All these increased profit guesses don't take a loss of appeal and volume into account.

I guess it's possible though that people would find the smaller bottles for less value even more appealing, since bottled water to begin with is basically a "LOL @ economicz!!1"

Oh well, the important part of the post is: no caps seen for the last week! Huzzah!

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