Busted at the DL HM!

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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by mechurchlady » Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:59 am

I would have said that my boss needed me back stage because someone had bulturian flu and had to cover for an hour. I would then let the friend know to meet me at another cast member exit or in downtown disney. I would use cell phone or paper.

It was her type of people that I got into trouble at Disney. Wow I am trying not to flame. There are times when you would love to tell the secrets but you cannot because it is not fair to guests who want to experience the attraction also.

What is so bloody important about 2 teen agers who tried to steal something from Disney? Everyone is making a big deal at the other site but to me it is yawn. I rather see something really exciting like stuck guests, making out, prat falls, embarassing moments and guests being themselves.

Security must do something besides harass pin traders, feed the dogs, and give directions. Before anyone says what dogs, I once saw them bring out dogs to sniff an abandoned back pack. People try to steal from parks and store daily.


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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by Stduck » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:00 am

mechurchlady wrote:Security must do something besides harass pin traders, feed the dogs, and give directions. Before anyone says what dogs, I once saw them bring out dogs to sniff an abandoned back pack. People try to steal from parks and store daily.
You forgot feed the ducks on the Island. Man I love Island Security...So that's what that one security guard I saw booking it that direction was after....

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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by BirdMom » Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:27 pm

mechurchlady wrote:What is so bloody important about 2 teen agers who tried to steal something from Disney? Everyone is making a big deal at the other site but to me it is yawn.
What is important is first off safety - nothing - no props, no set pieces, no animation is within arm's reach of the Omnimovers. The kids had to have exited their conveyances in order to get to the wicker suitcase. The ride system is dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Back in the 80's, a woman in Florida had part of her leg chewed off when she got out and tried to scare her friends in the graveyard - her foot slipped between safety plates and she got dragged and eaten by the machinery.

Secondly, it's a question of morality. It's not o.k. to take something that doesn't belong to ones self, regardless of whether it's a set decoration in a ride or a souvinir in a shop. I thought most parents taught the "no stealing" rule to kids, although I admit, some teens do it on a lark. Disney may be a big, fat corporation, but the decorating in the ride is there for everyone to enjoy. Things are thought out and have a purpose for being placed where they are, adding to the authenticity and atmoshpere of a story line. I'm not saying that the deletion of a single picnic hamper would cause the atmosphere to be ruined. However, kids getting out of their Omnimover to steal the picnic basket - which again - doesn't belong to them in the first place - does ruin the ride experience for everyone who happens to be there at the time.

Sorry if you think that's a yawn. If you worked the ride for years like I did in the past, you'd be scared knowing what could have happened to those kids, and you'd also be angry at them for their stupidity.

P.S. Regarding the dogs sniffing the backpack... think about this - Disney is symbolic of American culture in so many ways, aside from being one of the largest media companies in the world, aka a corporate target. Now think about what is happening in the Middle East now and what happened in 2001. The parks are a target according to Homeland Security. My husband saw a couple of Arab looking guys photographing access points from street areas. Not trying to scare you, because it's something that CM's live with every day, but it's a fact. The world has changed.

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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by mechurchlady » Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:03 pm


To Disney company and employees it is a big deal based on safety and moral values. To me as a guest I do not see the big deal as how many times a day does staff deal with theft or people going into off-limit areas.

I was very thankful for the dogs and have a stupid guest remark about that. We stood there watching as the dogs were sniffing and then it hit me. I know it cannot be a bomb but what if it is? If so then why am I standing 15 feet from the bomb? It took me a while to realize how stupid I was to stand there watching the dogs working. The dogs are the cutest CMs.

My remark about the dogs was a snide remark on what some guests think Security does all day.


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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by Stduck » Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:45 am

mechurchlady wrote:My remark about the dogs was a snide remark on what some guests think Security does all day.
Oh I know I have had nice chats with security. Being a raft driver we all know the Island Security really well and they'll do almost anything within reason for us. I know a few other of the security officers. I did joke with one who is one our Harbor Point Officers as he was in the park for his shift and I said "If you're in here who's guarding Harbor Point" he laughed thinking it was funny.

Yeah Security like all of us "goof off" they are people to but you know when something is serious in the way they walk. Heck me and one officer had a running joke because every time we ever saw each other we were always on break. "Do you ever work?" It did help us when we were understaffed and a bunch of security helped with guest control, they really got a feel for what we go through every night and now Security really backs up GC for the most part anyone who talks back to GC CMs and certain officers are there well the guest gets a talking to from security.

As for safety in an attraction. Bird Mom is right, we had a kid pull down a trunk that hid a pop up in the attic once. I got to escort them out and turned it over to the lead. We have had grads get out and break things. Any of the attractions in the park if you aren't trained on it you can't opperate it. Even manager lead walk throughs the manager knows the attraction.

:ducks: Look Duckies!
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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by AlpineDL » Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:04 am

Compared to stupid, dangerous guest out of vehicles and prop-snatching attempts in Fantasyland dark rides, that incident is taaaaaaaaame.

Have a nice juicy apple? :twisted:

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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by kurtisnelson » Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:45 am

Security is quite useful. When I was at Rock N' Rollercoaster yesterday, they had two security people yelling at a group of boys at the load area because they did something to another family.


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Re: Busted at the DL HM!

Post by felinefan » Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:11 am

When people steal, especially merchandise, eventually prices must be raised in order to make up for the lost profit from the stolen merchandise. I used to work for a security firm many years ago, and if I wasn't working an outside post, I was in retail. There are almost as many reasons people steal as there are people who steal. It ranges from toddlers who don't have a grip on the differance between their stuff and other people's stuff, to kids who've been told by someone it's okay to do this, to teens seeing if they can get away with this, to kleptomaniacs and people who try to justify their theft by pleading poverty. Listen, 99% of the social institutions, inventions, discoveries, arts, literature, and science are the work of people who came from the poorer classes; they did this because they had the drive and the necessity of competing to succeed and get somewhere. Nowadays, too many people say, "I'm poor, I'll never get anywhere in life, so why try bettering myself?" So there they sit, in the cesspool of dependency and hopelessness, when they could at least try something like volunteering, or finding where their gifts lie, and making use of them. Have you noticed how in recent years the schools have been lowering the bar for certain classes of people? That's not doing anyone any favors; it just weakens the system. Used to be people of color had to fight to get an equal footing with whites; people from other countries, especially if they were non-English speaking, had to work hard to learn to be an American and carve their niche in the world. They weren't given any special treatment; in fact, they usually faced prejudice. But it was their struggle to succeed despite the obstacles that made them a success.

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