Parking Structure Woes

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Wide-eyed Newcomer
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Re: Parking Structure Woes

Post by monkeybabe70 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:00 am

i'm with you gurl! It's all about then trams no "no, you can't park closer!" and no "it's 10$ for the parking!"'s all about letting half the people out for free and all thr cool runners and the cool leads out know it!

AP at the tolls: "What do you mean I can't use my husband's pass for parking?I paid for him to have the parking on it!"
Me: "Well, you see right there?Non-transferable!"
AP: "What is this ten dollars going to mean to Disney?Can't you just give it to me this time?I mean, come on...I pay your paychecks!!!":eek:
:ducks: closest things I could find to sheep...and that's what they all are :twisted:
:rip: this is to all the APs out there that want to get us all fired...just the mean ones tho

Wide-eyed Newcomer
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Re: Parking Structure Woes

Post by wildfir399 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:39 am

I like to call it "The Dungeon!" or "The Torture Device!" LOL :twisted:

Have you ever had one of thoughts days that just make you do a complete 360. Well a few weeks ago, I was at point on, I think level 3. Well, we will fairly consistently have people who will fully ignore you or feel like they are the only people who are privileged, and should get the closest spot. Nevertheless, I digress. This man in his SUV swerves around me after I had just told him that the south side of the structure was closed due to the fact that we had just finished Re-Parking it. It annoyed me but that is nothing new I hollered at him to at lest slow down. About 15-20 min pass by and this men and little boy walk up to me. The little boy was no older than 5. He was cute as a button. The father looks me strait in the eye and says, “I’m sorry I sped around you. My son reminded me that it was wrong and that I should fallow the rules.” His son reminded him! This little boy, who is not yet old enough to go to elementary school, corrected his father. Wow! I was dumbfounded! In my 5+ years at DLR, I have never had that happen. I said “thank you.” With this stupid confused, look on my face. LOL I just kept looking back and forth from dad to son. The father had taken the time to walk all the way from the front to the back of the structure just to set a good example for his son. I was very impressed with the gesture.
It made my day but threw me for a big loop. :dropmouth

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