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Florida Cast....

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:53 pm
by Doctor McKey
Just a FYI...

At 11pm on Weds. Sept. 2 Mickey's Not So Scary's Boo To You Parade will do its Cast Preview Dress Rehersal...

Come one Come All... Must park at DU/West Clock and bus in....

Be their at west clock by about 1030pm

The Doctor

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:00 pm
by glendalais
You know, I could've sworn all the posters were saying that the Cast Preview was restricted to MK and DRC Cast only.

Not that it means that much, but still....

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:30 pm
by Shorty82
The Cast Preview for the parade is for Magic Kingdom cast ONLY. Sadly non-MK cast isn't supposed to attend.

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:50 pm
by turkeyham

That would be fun, but that would be a long drive from CA. :(

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:03 am
by mapo
glendalais wrote:You know, I could've sworn all the posters were saying that the Cast Preview was restricted to MK and DRC Cast only.

Not that it means that much, but still....
Yeah, well they are checking IDs again. If you are not from MK or DRC but come to the preview..."this may be met with disciplinary action not excluding termination".

Oh, and the termination fairie seems to be working very hard lately. Let's just say that people are proving to be just plain stupid and (as usual) surprised when they get the 'walk of shame', or worse. Oh and for the record, it is not just newbies getting 'walked'. People with some decent longevity are looking for a new work location.

You know your role, you know the rules, and you know that they just are not even trying to 'play' any more. Zero tolerance is showing its head.

I am unable to elaborate further. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. It is getting ugly and I personally do not see it changing for a while.

Oh, and people acting like idiots at MK previews have been termed too in the past. If you were invited (MK or DRC cast), remember to conduct yourself appropriately.

There is nothing worse than having your ID pulled right there in front of hundreds of people, walked to Security office, and put on suspension pending termination. Or if you are a CP, being driven to your 'dorm' and given 30 minutes to pack so you can get a free ride to airport.

Plenty of discounted tickets are available for designated cast discount nights. Buy a ticket! Or work the party!

For the MK cast...see ya out there!


Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:27 am
by joanna71985
As much as I would love to go to the preview, I am currently statused at the Studios. So I guess I will just attend a party (or two).

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:55 pm
by drcorey
mapo wrote:Yeah, well they are checking IDs again. If you are not from MK or DRC but come to the preview..."this may be met with disciplinary action not excluding termination".

Oh, and the termination fairie seems to be working very hard lately. Let's just say that people are proving to be just plain stupid and (as usual) surprised when they get the 'walk of shame', or worse. Oh and for the record, it is not just newbies getting 'walked'. People with some decent longevity are looking for a new work location.

You know your role, you know the rules, and you know that they just are not even trying to 'play' any more. Zero tolerance is showing its head.

I am unable to elaborate further. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. It is getting ugly and I personally do not see it changing for a while.

Oh, and people acting like idiots at MK previews have been termed too in the past. If you were invited (MK or DRC cast), remember to conduct yourself appropriately.

There is nothing worse than having your ID pulled right there in front of hundreds of people, walked to Security office, and put on suspension pending termination. Or if you are a CP, being driven to your 'dorm' and given 30 minutes to pack so you can get a free ride to airport.

Plenty of discounted tickets are available for designated cast discount nights. Buy a ticket! Or work the party!

For the MK cast...see ya out there!

it's fair, it's not a party, it's a invite for certain departments to see something new they are working on before the public sees. if you show up and not from the invited depts, it shows them you can't read and follow rules.
it's like working for the wizard, if they say don't look, you don't look.

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:50 am
by OldTimePIGuy
mapo wrote: There is nothing worse than having your ID pulled right there in front of hundreds of people, walked to Security office, and put on suspension pending termination. Or if you are a CP, being driven to your 'dorm' and given 30 minutes to pack so you can get a free ride to airport.
Working at PI this happened more times than I can count. Cast members would come down, get drunk and do something stupid. The funniest part was, security had no idea these people were cast members. But when security confronted them about whatever it was they were doing, these knuckleheads would whip out the ID and shout "But I WORK here!".

Security: Thanks for the ID....Goodbye.

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:01 am
by hobie16
There's nothing worse then acting stupid and then opening your mouth and confirming it.

Re: Florida Cast....

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:37 am
I guess they never heard of the old saying:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a half-wit, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

sort of a darwin effect in the work place.
