I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

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I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Driver_dylan » Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:50 am

Ok, Today I had a guest that made me so,.....so.....almost....well. :blowup:

I was at the base station. (TTC) loading some rather full trains just before the fireworks. At around this point it is rather customary for the management team to prepair for the exit by shifting trains so that we run four trains when everyone leaves. This operation, if it runs smoothly, takes about ten minutes and in most cases, we will still load guests and have the trains wait at various hold points on the beam, (I'd go on but it's irrelivent)

(Insert emoto. for getting back on track) During this time. a train will "fully load" at the station. It was doing this, tat a group of people Two adults, two what looked to be mid teens, and two younger kids came up on the platform. Now the older daughter looked a bit chubby but hey, who am I to judge and that figures in later in the story. Anywho, This group comes up to me on the platform and begins the predictable song and dance about wanting to sit in the front of the monorail. Unfortunatly for them there was already a group in the front. I told them that there was no room and that they could wait for the next train but it might take a moment because of the safety checks being done. They told me that they wanted to get good seats for Wishes (this was around 7:30, Wishes was at 8) so I told them they would have to get on board this train.

It was at this point that they then proceeded to walk each car before comming back to me and reporting that there was "no place to sit". I told them that at this time the train was standing room only and if they wanted to ride, they would have to stand. If they wanted a seat, they would have to wait for the next train. To this the guy said "What are you F&*@ing def. I told you you we have to make Wishes." I remained calm. I told him that if that was the case, He would have to stand. At this point the guy uses the point and tells me, "Look, My daughter is pregnant an needs to sit down you got me. SO your going to either find me a seat, or put me in the front of the train but it will be on this train"

I will tell you I would have given him nothing for that, but some good person who was on the train for longer than they should have been, gave up their seat. I really am at a loss for words here, which for those who know me, doesn't happen, well,.... ever. :dropmouth But god damb it I can't take it much more. Every day I find a new level of depravity. What in the hell does it all get us but nothing. Today, I saw a man use his pregnant daughter, who couldn't be more than sixteen if she was a day, to get nothing more that a seat.

Yet this is not the first time this has happened and it most likely be the last, but I can't stand getting shouted and spit at when a woman who is pregnant can't find a seat. You can stand for the five bloody minutes it takes for the trip, and if you cant, You shouldn't be here in the first place. All and all, use this standard, If you need special requirements, please by all means ask. I will be more than happy to try to help you, but don't get angry at me if I am unable to help you right at that exact moment. Be patient, we are only human and will try to help you, but understand, those with wheelchairs and Guest Assistance Passes will get prefferance on the cars, and no amount of cursing, fighting, and shouting will get you any farther. :rtfm:

Now, that I have said my peace, I feel a bit better. Thank you .

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by mechurchlady » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:36 am

hugs and warm wishes to you.

She probably was a waddlebutt like me and not pregnant lol. Disney cannot ask a person what their disability is, usually. They cannot demand a guest prove they are pregnant or disabled, usually. Be thankful that there was a nice guest who was descent and kind enough to give up their seat. Did you see that shining star rising above the sewerage? Be thankful for that one star who shone. It will affect others by shining and showing goodness.

I need a break and had too much caffeine, lol.


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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Big Wallaby » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:25 am

Or better yet, if you want your pregnancy to be a disability, then get a wheel chair and at that point there is a lot that will be different.

Of course, if my sixteen year old daughter was pregnant, Disney World is the last place I would be taking her...

But I agree. Don't try to make it a disability. I understand that it's tough and it's really nice to sit, that everything hurts (been around a lot of pregnant women), but it's also not like MS or other things... you did it to yourself. You made the choice to be pregnant, and now you need to live with it.

Actually, I was working Check-In (FP Return) and a couple different families with pregnant ladies were entering, saw the sign, and asked me about it. When I said I couldn't really give advice either way, except that it's not recommended, the women turned around (one was barely showing, the other, later, you would never have known) and sat there waiting for their families. After they turned around, to each of them I said, "You would probably have been okay going, but I appreciate you not putting your child at unnecessary risk just for some fun. Thank you." Their response? They were surprised that anyone would want to go pregnant on the attractions and rides that say not to. They were shocked, even. It was tempting to direct them here.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Kwahati » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:24 am

Bet'ya the father voted for "abstinence only" sex-ed in her school... :rolleyes:

Edited to clarify: this is regarding the pregnant 16 year old...

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by GaTechGal » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:54 am

Abstinence works every time it's tried.

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Kwahati » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:59 am

GaTechGal wrote:Abstinence works every time it's tried.
Well, "trying" acknowledges the possibility of failure which means there are some people who've "tried" abstinence and like...slipped and fell and landed...uh...nevermind. Yeah, sure, it works great! :rolleyes:

Edited to add: I myself was abstinent right up until I could find someone who was willing to have sex with me! :p:

Yo, it's one universal law but two sides to every story
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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by DisneyMom » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:23 am

What a disgusting story! Pregnant or not, wait for the next train if you can't stand on it....
(I am thinking her "inability to stand" is how she got pregnant in the first place) :rolleyes:
Doesn't surprise me that she could be preggers, tho, just saw a cable show where they were discussing what 11, 12, 13 year olds are up to sexually :eek:

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by BRWombat » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:42 am

Kwahati wrote:Bet'ya the father voted for "abstinence only" sex-ed in her school... :rolleyes:

Edited to clarify: this is regarding the pregnant 16 year old...
I'd have guessed the opposite. But hey, ignorance is ignorance, and an SG is an SG no matter what his politics. (It's what unites us all! :D :)

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Driver_dylan » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:00 pm

Truer words were never spoken. Now I don't want this to turn into a flame thread about abstinance or sexual ed in schools. Hell I really don't have anything against the daughter since she did not say anything. I'm even open to the possibility that she may not have wanted to go to the parks in the first place. As I said in the OP, the ignorant jerk of the father is the one who I have something against. This just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. I'm just glad I could rant about it here, where I won't harm anyone, because yesterday did not end as well as it should have.

If anyone has had similar inncodents, feel free to experance the same relief of ranting. :)

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Re: I've Had enough, Pregnancy is not a f%#&*%g dissability.

Post by Christine43 » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:06 pm

Ridiculous. If she can't stand for five minutes for the ride, how is she going to stand for the duration of Wishes? I was pregnant with twins and did quite a bit of standing and taking out of trash and cleaning the house etc....If you are too weak or in too much pain to stand, get a wheelchair or stay home. He's not doing his daughter any favors teaching her to use the system this way. And I agree, if my daughter (who will be 16 next month) was pregnant she wouldn't be going on any vacations.

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