Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

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Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by BirdMom » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:46 pm

Spoke to a friend of mine who worked the Main Entrance yesterday. She starts off immediately saying, "you won't believe what happened..."

Seems she was at the exit and she handstamped a woman and then a man. They then pause outside the exit and ask each other, "where's the baby?" "I thought you had her..." "I thought YOU had her..." S--- had to let them back in immediately and they come back a few minutes later pushing a stroller.


O.K. - I'm just curious - they didn't communicate in the moments that it took to get from the Newsstand to the exit? Neither one of them looked to see if Mom/Dad was pushing baby in the stroller? They just assumed the other one was handling it??? S--- asked them how old the baby was and was told two months. Here's hoping she makes it to her first birthday...

***Feel free to add your own nominations***

[font=Palatino Linotype]Veni, Vidi, Velcro...[/font] [font=Comic Sans MS]I came, I saw, I got stuck.[/font]

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by Ansem » Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:41 pm

BirdMom wrote:Seems she was at the exit and she handstamped a woman and then a man. They then pause outside the exit and ask each other, "where's the baby?" "I thought you had her..." "I thought YOU had her..." S--- had to let them back in immediately and they come back a few minutes later pushing a stroller.

I got one kinda like that:

When I still worked in Tomorrowland, one day I was at Buzz (Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin) Greeter 2 (strollers). As I'm moving all the strollers that the lazy guests just leave in front of the entrance I get a family (middle eastern decent I'm guessing) comes up to me and tells me they can't find their kid. I'm thinking "great, another one." So I let Greeter 1 know and we call our coordinator and manager(s) and I don't hear much about it after that. When I got bumped to my next position, the CM asked me if I heard about the family that left their kid in the stroller sleeping while they all went on the ride w/out him.
:eek: :bugeyes: :dropmouth :oweye: Turns out that family that said their kid went missing was the one who left their kid in his stroller outside as they went on the ride. Thankfully the kid was spotted by another guest and told Greeter 1 about 30 minutes before the family finished the ride, and was taken backstage by security and managers from all over the park were coming out of the woodworks for this.

Child abandonment... Nice!!!

Still A Proud member of MRG. :evil: :twisted:

Yeah. Buzzer beater. Take that you stupid duck!

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by darph nader » Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:51 pm

Sad to say this has happened in Ariz a few times too often. Not thourgh negligents,TOTAL brain farts. :mad: Parents,AND daycare centers. The worst part is the child pays the 'ultimate' price. :(

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by leftcoaster » Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:52 pm

And hopefully, OCSD was also in attendance.

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by Brayon » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:44 pm

Absolutly scary on both accounts! :eek:

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by Nightmare_Figment » Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:33 am

I've already posted my story for this but here's a link to find it faster
click me! I seriously wish this was a total fantasy. I hate it when SGs' make MY brain hurt. :blowup:

:scrooge: The harder I try,:walt::walt::walt: the dumber they get :walt:

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by AlpineDL » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:23 pm

Thanks to all the examples on here about this sort of stuff, I always take a look in a stroller for a tiny child before moving it... :(

When someone leaves a doll in a stroller it always gets me for a second actually.

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by hhsrat » Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:14 pm

Ansem wrote: When I still worked in Tomorrowland, one day I was at Buzz (Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin) Greeter 2 (strollers). As I'm moving all the strollers that the lazy guests just leave in front of the entrance I get a family (middle eastern decent I'm guessing) comes up to me and tells me they can't find their kid. I'm thinking "great, another one." So I let Greeter 1 know and we call our coordinator and manager(s) and I don't hear much about it after that. When I got bumped to my next position, the CM asked me if I heard about the family that left their kid in the stroller sleeping while they all went on the ride w/out him.
I think I was actually there that day. Pretty sure I ran into you while this was going on.

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Re: Darwin Award nominee - Category - Parenting

Post by PattyA » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:24 pm

I have a few for you!

#1) Years ago(Pre abanoment days) an Employee found a 3 yd old sitting in a cart in the produce dept.
They brought the child and cart to my checkstand. I started paging for the parents to come up front with no responce. Over an hour later we get a call, the mom just got home and realized she was missing a kid. Turns out she runs a daycare and she miscounted when she left the store.
She lived 55 mins away and was on her way back into town. So a total of almost 3 hours passed before Mom shows up. She was so embarrased she could not speak!

Dumb ass!
That would be one daycare that should have been investigated.
I should have also charged her babysitting fees for my time.
At least the girl was so good. Never cried or whinned. She prob was used to being ignored!

#2) A customer brings in a 4 yr old.(Just as abanoment,neglect issues out in the news) He tells me he found her walking out front. Ok, somehow she got away from Mom. Again I start paging...no answer. walked whole store...nothing.
I went next door and had them paging...nothing.
I am scared now. What if that guy was a molester? She would be gone and no one cared! pissed me off.
I start calling the other stores in the area to page. Nothing.
I call the ploice after an hour of all this. They arive and as they start taking the report, Mom walks in the doors and says.."Where the hell you been?"
Yep cusses out the kid!! The officer came back after his "talk" with mom and said the kid was acting up so the mom put her in the car. BY HER SELF!
These days the mom could have been arrested.

#3)Parents leave 4 kids alone in car on a slight hill.
Yep, they knock it out of grear and hit the light pole! Parents say nothing as in sorry..just slap first kid he could reach and leave.

#4)As I check groceries, I ask the customer if the kid in the cart was his...he shruged. I then ask each person in line, all say no. She I thought, great here we go again... I stood there and said I would not proceed until someone claimed the child. After 2 full minutes of this, the dad said.."Ok, I wll claim her" WTF? People I have better things to do with my time. He knew I was pissed.

Some people have no concept at all.



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