Fastpass Question

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Lucyanna Girl
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Fastpass Question

Post by Lucyanna Girl » Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:03 pm

Hi, I'm just a guest who tries NOT to be so stupid. I would like to ask a question, if it's alright. My DD and I are planing an April trip to WDW. I have read on another board that the best thing to do when the parks are busy is to accumulate fast passes as quickly as you are allowed but not use them at the appointed time. They advise that you save up until later in the day when the lines are longer and then use your fast passes.
My question is... do you turn away guests who try to use a fast pass on the correct day but hours later than the return time?
Thanks for listening.
Lucyanna Girl

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Re: Fastpass Question

Post by tenprincess » Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:03 pm

The most important thing with a fast pass is that when you return, you are doing so when it's past the first time on the ticket. I would say you are better getting a fast pass every two hours when you are allowed (or five min after your ticket is usuable which ever comes first), because if you wait for when it's busy, that is when every one will be getting a ticket, so not only will more fast passes go out (and likely to run out), but you will be returning at the same time as all of thoes people, which will be very crowded. So get fastpass when you can, and ride rides that don't require them that have fast moving lines (ex. Haunted Mansion, TTA)

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